Sunday, 29 June 2008
A Sharp Dressed Man
I have no idea why I like vintage menswear as much as I do. Maybe it‘s because I have done a little tailoring in my time and respect the workmanship. Maybe it‘s the wonderful period woolens that just don’t seem to be out there anymore. Maybe it’s the class of a sharp dressed man. And maybe that’s all the introspection I am up to today.Now I do have a special place in my heart for a brilliant
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Decade du Jour - 1890s
In my current workplace incarnation , I am designing opera costumes for a Gilbert and Sullivan production. As we have set in in the 1890s, and I have been living with the designs since Feb, and will be until the end of the summer, I am feeling rather submersed in leg o‘ mutton sleeves, melon puffs, and tulip and bell skirts. Note to self: see how many names for styles are food related ………..
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
An Ode to Local Stores in the Key of C Minor
I was out shopping a couple days ago. Hunting, really. I went to a local antique mall - a good spot. I have shopped there for years. I happened upon a 1930s evening coat. Too flawed to purchase, but a local store label. I do love finding those.And so an Ode to Local Stores in the Key of Coats Minor. There was Byck’s. Byck’s was fantastic classy ladies clothing store. They were downtown in a fine
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Dear Mr. Galanos
If you have looked at my profile, you know I live in a small town. In semi rural KY. A nice town, good people. Lots of well behaved wildlife that doesn‘t eat our vegetable garden or get in our garbage can. Now, these good people know their Carhardt and their Levis, and they have message T’s Down. I mean Seriously Down. But please believe me when I tell you I am pretty sure I am the only person in
Friday, 20 June 2008
A Bustle Fiesta, part deux
The fiesta continues. I had to save the 1880s bustles gown for a second post, because my mother told me too many sweet things would ruin my appetite. After the frothy wedding cakes of yesterday's post, I had to cleanse my palate with a day of non-vintage endeavours.Before I wander off to the mango and peach salsa, I leave you with a few quick pointers for telling 1870s and 1880 big bustles apart
Thursday, 19 June 2008
A Bustle Fiesta, part one
Yes. Another blog begins. Another blog devoted mainly to vintage fashion. But with a difference. I promise no models with sunglasses and pigeon toes. Cute, but you can see those anywhere. To begin at the beginning. I will let you in on a Deep Dark, Secret. I am a vintage collector and dealer without a Favorite Period. Truly I am. No favorites, but admittedly a few I can live without, primarily a
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