Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 Retrospective | Favorites

A look back at some of my favorite sold items of 2012. It's always both fun & a little painful looking through the sold items; 
I only hope I can stock DEAR GOLDEN with vintage this fantastic in 2013 (& beyond!)

Thursday, 27 December 2012

The Makers


Have you checked out the site for The Makers?  It's a photography project by Jennifer Causey featuring a glimpse into the creative works spaces of people that excel in all sorts of hands-on work.  There's a florist, jewelry makers, ceramists, a tailor, a baker, a mixologist, a perfumer... the list goes on and on.  I love seeing not only their work, but the space that inspires them on a daily basis.  I just made over my office with a fresh coat of paint, shelves on the wall and a few other decorative touches.  It makes all the difference in the world! 


Promise me this... | a shop update

The pretty side of winter - all in the SHOP now!


Are Suits Getting Hot Again?


We have seen an uptake in vintage suit sales this year. I find this fascinating. I am a fan of suits, of course. Fine tailoring techniques make the stitcher/draper in me happy. And of course I am in favor of suit components worn as separates. Vintage suits are great for this. Far better than modern ones, as the parts can stand alone in a way most modern suit jackets and skirts just look

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Found Under the Christmas Tree


Found under the Christmas Tree: 

1950s American Fashion by Jonathan Walford. And I am zipping through it! Don't be misled by the small size. It's a Shire book, and packed with information and photos as they usually are. It's succinct, but thorough. I think almost every designer of both high and low fashion, plus many manufacturers, get at least a mention. You can't beat it for the

Penny Stock


I'm just discovering the Penny Stock winter lookbook and its easy, comfortable style.  I think it's been floating around out there for a while, but for some reason passed under my radar.  The lookbook is full of truly wearable pieces and one adorable haircut that once again has me hiding the scissors lest I end up with a new fringe. 


Thursday, 20 December 2012

Etsy Update: Dresses


Etsy Update: Knits

Etsy Update: Lil' Jackets


Myth & Symbol

I discovered Myth & Symbol when I was on the hunt for a particular Dusen Dusen dress.  I quickly found myself wishing that the Houston based boutique was located right around the corner. They seem to be stocked with every designer that is on my current wishlist.  Lots of Dusen Dusen, of course, and also Ace & Jig, Rachel Comey, Dace, Wren and Hansel from Basel.  They also have a pretty great selection of jewelry, a lot of which can be seen in this winter lookbook.  That Dace dress is next on my stalk-until-it-goes-on-sale list. 


Wednesday, 19 December 2012

On Ice

A peek at some of the coats that will be included in the next shop update - today & tomorrow! 

Drop Caps

If there is a Santa, I'm hoping he'll bring me this set of Penguin Drop Cap Classics.  Each cover (A-Z) was designed by Jessica Hische. She's a hand-lettering genius and you've probably seen her work whether you realize it or not.  You may have seen her wedding invitation, or her Daily Drop Cap website, or the opening credits for Moonrise Kingdom.  Wouldn't it be beautiful to have all 26 rainbow hue spines lined up on a bookshelf?   

Don't Forget Your Warm Winter Knits


It's turned cold here, and about to turn a lot colder. They are calling for a very cold Christmas. I've been living in warm knits for a while now. Some vintage, some not. But my favorites are still my 1950s sweaters. Having lived through the 60s, we just didn't have enough knitwear options then. That's one good thing about the modern era! So many comfy choices. 

So it's a good time to

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Alive or Just Breathing

photo via Tom's Tumblr

Here's a little peek into what we've been up to around these parts.  Over the weekend we took part in a charity show with a band that Tom frequently works with and photographs, Killswitch Engage.  They were on tour celebrating the 10 year anniversary of their Alive or Just Breathing album.  Tom organized the Lancaster show to benefit the Water Street Mission and Lancaster County Humane League.  My contribution came mostly in morale support as Tom worked hard to bring all the elements together and running around the night of the show helping wherever I could. 

Of course, the night would not have been complete without taking some time out for lunch (and dinner) for potato quesadillas and copious amounts of hot sauce at Roburrito's.   Seriously.  Best.  Hot sauce.  Ever.  Tom captured our friends Jesse, me and Justin chowing down and watching the world pass by out the window. 

In the end, the night was a huge success with over 1000 cans of food donated to the charities involved.  Over 470 pounds of food for the Water Street Mission.  It was a lot of work, but in the end so rewarding to see the generosity of the fans that donated as they filed in for the show.  Thanks so much to everyone who took part!

Friday, 14 December 2012

Holiday jewels

Seriously though, you should not let the holiday season pass without perusing the exceptional vintage jewelry curation of Jean Jean Vintage. I could literally fill my Etsy favorites with selections from her shop - in fact, I did favorite the sweet red and white St. Valentine earrings at the bottom of this post & only hours later someone else has snapped them up - maybe for a gift! The shop is filled with things to give and get! Take a gander if you haven't already swooned over the pages of pretty shiny things....