Sunday, 25 October 2009

Serendipity = 1880s Bustle Dresses

I tell you - you just never know in the vintage clothing game. People ask me where I find things, I am am not being evasive when I say: " you never know". Wonderful things can crop up anytime and anywhere. Long story short, we were supposed to go out of town and had to cancel. Disappointmnet reigned.So we did an errand, and got doughnuts. I know - terrible. But they were very fresh and tasty.

Friday, 23 October 2009

1975 Sears Catalogue - Ooh La La!

I just received a 1975 Sears catalogue in a house cleanout. And oh my, it is a veritable treasure trove of blog fodder. I am about to reveal just how old I am, but I graduated from high school in 1974. I swear I never wore these clothes. I swear, I mean I am flabbergasted. I knew it was bad. I remember some unfortunate plaid bell bottoms and quite a few ribbed sweater tops. Maybe even a qiana

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

A Little Touch of Rudi

I must say that Rudi Gernreich is not a designer that new vintage people gush about. They are more likely to have fallen for the romantic looks of various periods, or the styles that work in the re-enactment world. Which is fine. The world needs romance and little role playing is fun. But variety and sophistication are needed as well. Acquired tastes are a good thing.I think part of the appeal is

Saturday, 10 October 2009

A Love of 40s Hats That Might Take Counseling

I seem to have a slightly obsessive atraction to 1940s tilt top hats. Percher hats if you will. AKA doll hats. I don't have any idea why. There are many things I am attracted to in clothing that I would never wear which date back to a young exposure to Barbie in 1962. We won't g there now. Too time consuming.But this 1940 hat thing. A puzzle. Straw is nice, flowers are good , too. But it's the

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Another Day as Victorian Laundress

Why do I do this to myself?  I am no great fan of ironing. I do not love the smell of spray starch in the morning.  I bet it's even carcinogenic. In the 30 years I have collected and later dealt in Vintage Clothing, I have seen hundreds of Victorian and Edwardian whites go by. Dresses, blouses, skirts, the full range of underwear from the 1850s to the 20s. Truth be told, I let  99% of it go right

Monday, 5 October 2009

Even More 1950s Fashion

And now, part 2 of the 50s Fashion Run.We have suits: 1950s Bobbie Brooks All Weather Suit ( or so the label says)1950s Brown Nubby Wool Suit from Pogue's We have separates: 1950s Cream Wool Beaded Sweater 1950s Chinese Embroidered Silk Jacket And last, one very neat dress: 1950s Black Wool and Knit Lace Dress with Blouson Bodice

Sunday, 4 October 2009

The Fifties Called & They Want Their Dresses Back

It seems we have been on a 1950s Fashion Run for a bit. Now that would be a great name and theme for a fundraiser, wouldn't it? The 5K 50s Fashion Run to Benefit the Vintage Impaired with a 3K walk for the stiletto wearers! I'd pay to see that, I really would.As my fellow shoppers and vintage devotees know, the discoveries always go in streaks out there. Sometimes is all the Victorian black I can