Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Old, Old Combs

In order of age: First, a horn comb. These combs are an early American treasure. They date 1800-1830s, and were hand made, sawed out of pressed and clarified steer horn. They are often plain and sometimes stained dark to imitate tortoiseshell. The shape is always similar - a large comb with a wide band and many, many teeth. Occasionally, like this one, they were dyed with stains in a decorative

Friday, 25 June 2010

The Morrissey Garage Sign

I understand that the c. 1919 Morrissey Garage on 3rd St. is one of, if not the, oldest parking garage in Louisville. It certainly looks like it is was planned for older, narrower cars. It is located right next to the old Falls City Theatrical Equipment Co. Since that was originally a theatre, I can see how this was a good location. Both buildings are empty and endangered. I have no idea how

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Two Very Disparate 1940s Prints

I racked my brain trying to see what these two garments might have in common. Womenswear? 1940s? Check. Print? Check. Floral? Check. And that is as far as I could get. It's like that some days. The brain won't go as far down a road as one might wish. The dress:Late 1940s rayon with shoulder pads and over skirt in a autumn toned tropical print. Very much a good dress to wear with hat, gloves, big

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Neon Signs - Bridges- Smith

Another downtown Louisville business closed. This time it's Bridges-Smith Paint on Main. I swear, all that will be left downtown soon are high rises, hospitals, restaurants and bars. Yesterday, a local auction house sold off the stock and contents of Bridges and Smith. So here is a photo I took last year of their great sign in tribute.Bridges Smith & Co. Paints Since 1875, 118 - 122 E. Main St.

Monday, 21 June 2010

A Contrast in 50s

As frequent readers know, this is not an authoritative blog on vintage clothing. It's not even a terribly well organized look at past fashions. This is a blog for pretty and/or interesting garments, a few observations, the odd whimsy. Whatever strikes the author on a given day. In that vein, the contrast between these two dresses made me muse a bit today.Item the First: Earylish 1950s black

Saturday, 19 June 2010

A Tale of Two Dresses

The Tale:Both dresses are a lightweight silk chiffon in a lovely blue and green watercolor floral print over blue crepe lining.The skirts are circular and were either made as handerchief hems or have hung out identically.The dress on the left was my mother's in the 50s. I always thought it was from 1952 - 54, or before she married. There is no label. With the birth of two children, I doubt she

Friday, 18 June 2010

A Potpourri of Vintage Accessories

The range of vintage accessories out there is overwhelming. Shoes, hats, purses, gloves, scarves......and then there's the menswear. The great thing about accessories is that if you are into vintage or like the unique, but have trouble with fit or work in a non-vintage friendly environment, accessories are still available to you. Vintage purses, shoes or scarves mix beautifully with modern

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Signs of the Times: Neon

This is part of my small photo project capturing old painted and neon signs in downtown. I took this one yesterday from the top of the Starks Parking garage. We used to purchase from the old Falls City Theatre Equipment Co. at 429 S. 3rd Street back in my days at the university. They haven't been out of business all that long, really. The building itself is quite old - I read recently it was an

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

It's Right Here in Black & White: The 30s

We just added three1930s items to the website. And my, my, how it is getting to find interesting things from this era. I grant you, many dresses from this era can be matronly and drab. It wasn't the happiest time. They don't call it: The Great Depression: Return of the Smile! But , man there were still some stunning fashion trends going on. The sleek lines are grand.And it must be serendipity

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Pretty Girls all in a Row

I have always been struck by plaster millinery display heads. It's the glamour. Clearly these were sculpted and painted to be a version of the current fashion ideal. I am struck by the stylization. The closet thing out there today are wig heads, which are composite and of course have to be bald. It's just not the same. These are 4 of my 6 display heads. The other 2? A 1950s dark brunette, very

Monday, 14 June 2010

For the Fans of Vintage Hats

The conventional perception is that we don't wear hats anymore, although that isn't really true is it? We just don't wear pretty, fashionable hats. Baseball caps, visored work caps, stocking caps, western cowboy hats; these are still immensely popular. It's the pretty fashion hats that are hard to come by. Two exceptions are the church hats and Kentucky Derby hats, but those are very specific

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Real Flowers, Real Garden

There's new vintage on the website, the house is clean, we have visited Tennessee with friends, the garden is weeded. Even the peas and beans are picked from the garden. Today was a Take a Break Day. Don't worry - I'll start posting about the new vintage pieces at Past Perfect Vintage tomorrow.But for today, a few photos of the buddleias, snapdragons and daylilies. The snap dragons are almost