Monday, 28 February 2011
Oh this old thing? Just a little doodad I picked up.
"Oh this old thing?" That was a response we were taught many years ago. Something self deprecating to say when we were complimented on a dress, a purse a, well, almost anything we wore. "Oh this old thing? I've had it forever". I know it was about being modest/humble. But it was also about a conceit that nothing we wore was New. My question now is: what was so bad about wearing new clothes? That
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Harry Angelo, March 1923, Agnes
The House of Agnes is certainly well represented in this catalog. I haven't made a strict count, but I would say they? she? sold Harry Angelo the most models that season. This is a house that was open 1906 -1931 and then until 1963 as Agnes-Drecoll. Not the milliner. That's a different Agnes. And here's an interesting note. These are Spring fashions. The catalogue is dated March. Today, fashions
Friday, 25 February 2011
Obi Wan Coatness
Japanese Obi silk meets Chinese styling for the Western Market. And this is such an opulent example of Western fascination with Asian styles. I caught the Asian bu long ago and bought this for myself - I go to the opera occasionally. Perfect, yes? Then I lost weight. Now? I must face that there is no way. Just too big. So I must move it on, even though it is bit painful. The graphic quality
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Harry Angelo Model Gowns, March 1923
At last. I have gotten the time to start photographing the plates from my Harry Angelo Model Gown Catalogue of March 1923. I will be posting these here for quite a while - there are 39 pages of them. A true treat. Harry Angelo: New York, Chicago, Paris was an importer of Parisian models. They would acquire a model gown and then make up a version of it in the same or very similar materials for the
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
And the Name Dropping Continues
More Name Dropping. Sorry - I can't help myself. This first piece - a classy grey wool knit dress and peplum jacket from Bonwit Teller. I am a big fan of the blouson jacket with belted waist and peplum. Where's the name? On the inside of the matching narrow belt: Adele Simpson. There are several 'well bred lady' rules I didn't mention yesterday - and one was some ladies actually removed designer
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Vintage Name Dropping
Name Dropping? I plead guilty. It's been a long slow road paved with good intentions. I remember my early years, when we never mentioned the labels of our clothing - it was considered gauche. Even tacky. But at that time, another rule was to never wear a new purchase right away either. Always wait a few days. ( What was that about?? So when someone asked it it was new, we could say no, I've had
Saturday, 19 February 2011
A Tribute, albeit a small one
It is time to explain the header photo of the two small girls. It was taken in the 1920s, in Lyndon Ky. They are eldest two of my 6 aunts. The girl on the left is still living, as is their youngest sister. And both doing quite well, thank you. The girl on the right passed away this Christmas on Dec 23. She was 91.Aunt Martha was a dress maker. Although that hardly begins to cover it. A dress
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Flappers? Why yes.
Past Perfect Vintage is cooperating with our good friends at Elizabeth's Timeless Attire on Frankfort Ave in Louisville for an event this March. And it's 1920s Flapper related. That's all I can say for now. There will be more to come. I promise. But for the moment, I couldn't resist showing off the reproduction 1920s bandeaus I finished today. They are all silk fabrics with period brooches or
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