Saturday, 25 February 2012

Traveling Basics

above APC, photos below from Totokaelo

I've been thinking a lot about our trip, even though it is still over two months away (if you've spotted the clock counting down in the sidebar, that's what it's for).  It will be my first trip to Europe so I'm pretty darn excited!  Tom has been several times on business so he'll make an excellent tour guide.  Although much of the time I spend daydreaming about all the sights we'll see and the food we'll eat and the adventures we'll have, I do spend a fair amount of time wondering about what I'll pack.  As I mentioned before, we're not checking any luggage and will each have to fit everything we're carrying into a backpack (these backpacks to be exact).  That means lots of comfortable basics, good shoes for walking, things I can mix-and-match and pieces that won't get all wrinkly after being stuffed into said backpacks.  What I have in mind looks a lot like the spring/summer offering from A.P.C.  I think I could mix-and-match my way through a two week trip with what you see here. 


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