Saturday, 19 May 2012

Channeling Rhoda

It can get real quiet working alone at the shop for hours on end and although I mostly listen to music while I am there I often want to hear something that isn't music, but isn't silence (ok, I know I can't hear silence, but whatever). So I usually watch The Mary Tyler Moore show because it isn't something you have to give your full attention to but it's just nice to have on and hear people talking. If you ask me, the best part of the show, by far, is Rhoda. It's no wonder Valerie Harper landed her own spin-off show, Rhoda,  (they are real clever with those show titles, eh?). Yesterday I felt like I was channeling Rhoda with my hair in a scarf and 70s' plaid wrap skirt. I spent the morning (5 hours of it) ironing things for the shop and this skirt was one of those things. Needless to say the skirt is not going to make it into the shop, at least not without my body in it. 

Head to toe:
1970s floral cotton scarf - thrifted
1940s brass & lucite necklace - antique mall
cream tissue cardigan - thrifted
tank top - thrifted
1970s cotton wrap skirt - thrifted
t-strap platforms - Nicole 'Relish' via Zappos (note: these are CRAZY comfortable & I'll be wearing the tar out of them)

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