Tuesday 14 August 2012

Spiegel catalog 1979

Recently, at an antique mall, I found this 1979 Spiegel catalog and purchased it without hesitation. I have a real soft spot for this period in fashion. I also kind of hate it. Thing is, it's a real weird time in fashion precisely because there is so much to love right along side pretty detestable things. Let's look at some examples shall we?

So, I love what is going on here. The colors (or lack thereof really), the bolo tie, the hat, the 3-piece suit with stiff Arrow collar? Heck yes! Annie Hall much? Love it. However, I do, personally, I take issue with that skirt length, it does nothing for MOST gals. I know, I know, it's the midi skirt that's semi-popular now (or trying very hard to be popular), but even so, I feel like there is a "sweet spot" for the midi skirt and if you miss it, you're just gonna look like a sister-wife or a frumpfest. As a side note, I do think the point is moot when you add tight and tall boots to the midi-skirt mix, then all bets are on; prance away in your midi and knee-high boots sister, that almost always looks great. 

More I love, more Annie Hall/menswear inspiration, more beige (sorry, I really do love beige)
and the woman on the left is sporting a brooch, word up! 
Yep, I even like these, look at the cute shoes too! Gettin' all Teutonic, get me to the beer tent! I dig it!

Ok, these are great dresses on a summer night, sure. You might get super hot sporting the polyester jersey, 
sure, but at least you won't get all wrinkly. And if you pass out in your dress you will actually be quite comfy. AND THEN, in the bright light of morning you can throw that frock in the washing machine and put your hungover arse back in bed. 

Ok, more good stuff - these caftan dresses are super pretty and the basic black beach attire is a total go. A side note here, there were many pages of swimwear and I kid you not, not one gal has bigger boobs than an A or small B cup.  It was flippin' refreshing. What an anomaly in our world today, swimsuit models with women of my tiny-titties tribe!
And here we turn a corner...the first outfit, cute. The other two? Wow. The green one is particularly heinous. It's nearly Victorian & not in a way I like. I mean, where is her BODY? She looks like a giant triangle and not in a cool avant garde fashion way, but um, again, in a sister-wife way. No, you don't have to show off your body to look great, but this is something entirely ugly. 
Shoes that are cool. Shoes that if I found while thrifting I would consider it a pretty great day. 

Annnnnnd some hideous shoes. Cute & sexy dresses and then really awful white strappy shoes. Notice they are also worn with suntan colored nylons...awwww yeah...
Finally, just some, what I think are, super pretty hairstyles that are blissfully non-fussy. 
Which is more than one can say about those undergarments...

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