Monday, 17 September 2012

Being Tourists

photos by Tom b. 

- vintage sweater dress
- F21 parka
- vintage boots
- vintage fedora
- vintage purse
- Julie Nolan bracelet & vintage bracelet

This weekend we had a house guest hailing all the way from Ireland.  Brian met up with us when we were in London for dinner and a bit of bar hopping (or pub as the case may be).  I learned very quickly that I should not try to keep up with the Irishman when it came to downing ales.  Now he's traveling across the US and made a stop for the weekend in Lancaster.  We played tour guide and showed him all of the must-see sites around Amish country.  If you've been following my blog for long, I'm sure you've seen all of these places as Tom and I have explored them many times ourselves.

We started the morning by driving up to Adamstown to hit the outdoor flea market.  It was vintage clothing and accessories weekend, but since we'd all been up late the night before we didn't make it to the flea market early enough to catch all the vendors.  I did manage to snag myself a little bling in the form of a multi-strand brass bracelet that is actually small enough to stay on my wrist.  I also picked up a 50s cotton sundress that is need of some love and a zipper. 

Then we stopped at a couple of covered bridges as we made our way back towards Lancaster.  We walked across the bridges, dodging cars in order to snap a few touristy photos.  An Amish horse and buggy crossed one of the bridges while we were standing on it.  The horse got spooked by the bridge and stopped halfway across, refusing to budge.  The Amishman had to get out and lead the horse the rest of the way then hop back into the moving buggy when he made it to the end of the bridge.  It doesn't get more Lancaster Amish than that.

We made our way to the Hans Herr house, the oldest standing homestead in Lancaster, built in 1719.  Not impressively old if you're from Ireland, but pretty dang old if you're from the States.  We visited the livestock that lives there, feeding the pigs half rotten crab apples from the adjacent orchard and picking clover to treat the hens.  You can really see the seasons changing around here with the pumpkin patches full of big orange pumpkins and piles of feed corn in the barns.


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