Friday, 28 June 2013

Renee Perle | muse

“Tall, slim, a long neck, a shining lock of hair caressing her mouth. I see the reflection of Renee’s beauty in women’s eyes and men’s glances…Beside her, other women look like farm girls. 
– Lartigue’s Diary: Paris, March 10, 1930 

Muse & girlfriend to photographer, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Renee Perle was a Romanian model living in Paris in the late 1920s, early 1930s with the quintessential jazz age look- lean, mysterious, smouldering and arrestingly gorgeous. I particularly love how she sports the simplest of garments (a t-shirt, a tank top!) and elevates them entirely. I also love her arm laden with thin bangles, gonna have to try that...

Read more about Renee Perle here & here

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Madewell Fall 2013


Yesterday Tom and I took his niece to New York City for the day to visit her cousin (another niece).  We met for lunch at Calexico then took a tour of the Kickstarter office where the Manhattan dwelling niece works.  We were partially there to follow up on an upcoming Kickstarter project that Tom and I are working on (more on that soon...) and also to hang out in the city and do a lot of nothing in particular.  The best kind of day. 

Along the way, we stopped into the Madewell store at Broadway and Broome.  Last time we were there, the crowd inside had me running for the exit before I could make it up the staircase.  Luckily a Tuesday afternoon visit meant a much smaller crowd and room to breathe.  I'm always surprised at the pieces that catch my eye in the store verses the ones I like online.  I guess that says a lot about the styling of the collections online. 

I didn't spy any fall pieces in the stores yet (thank goodness - it's too early) but I came home and looked it up online.  The review I read stated the collection is full of classic pieces that you probably already have in your closet and demonstrates new ways to pair things up.  That may be true, as I haven't seen anything yet that makes me feel like I have to have it.  I do feel like I could dig around in my closet (or the thrift store) and find something similar to put together these looks.  But then again, Madewell always has a way of stocking something that catches my eye. I'm sure something will find its way into my closet.


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Mini sneak peek...

These quintessential 1950s summer dresses will be in the shop soon! 
Which one captures your attention?

Sunday, 23 June 2013

One Hundred Years of Ladies Hair Combs


I decided to follow up the fan montage post with the even more epic " Hair Combs I Have Known".

This is almost, but not quite all, the hair combs and pins I collected over the years. A few aren't here, but just a few. Most of these are celluloid, although tortoiseshell and horn represented too.The dates run from 1820s to the 1920s.  I wish I could say there was some over riding theme to

Friday, 21 June 2013

Etsy Update: Lots of Dresses


I have to admit that this is my favorite update to the Etsy shop in a while.  Maybe because there are several old favorites from my closet included.  I'll be sad to see them go, but it's time to find some new homes.  All available in the shop now...

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

A Small Appreciation of Collecting


Victorian and Edwardian Folding Fans. I used to collect them. I could pack up enough of them in a box to call a collection and still travel. I have collected many things, from coins and glass paperweights and Rookwood pottery to celluloid hair combs, beaded purses and modern art pottery. 

We were raised to be collectors by parents willing to commit to the space required. I am a big fan of

Shoe Preview!

A preview of some shoes that will be making their way into the shop soon!

Monday, 17 June 2013



 - 30s cotton dress
 - 70s tooled leather bag
 - J. Crew flats

As  I mentioned last week, Tom and I made a road trip to Pittsburgh to see The National and on the way stopped by the Frank Lloyd Wright Fallingwater house for a tour.  While on the tour we heard an old lady remark that it was "a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there."  Meanwhile, Tom and I were thinking the exact opposite.  Although, I bet it sure is cold there in the wintertime. 

After our tour we drove into Pittsburgh and walked around to a few vintage shops.  The shops were mostly packed with 70s era polyester and tacky prints, but I did manage to find a pretty white eyelet cotton skirt that came home with me.  Perhaps there are better vintage shops there, but I didn't happen upon them.  

For lunch we sat at the counter at Primanti Bros. and watched sandwich after sandwich being assembled;  fresh cut bread, grilled meat, cheese, fries, coleslaw, tomatoes, topped with another piece of bread.  We had the cheese combo and the fries come right in the sandwich.  

We took an after lunch stroll around the river and across one of the sunny yellow bridges before heading over to the show.  The National put on a great show and played a 22 song set that I didn't want to end.  I was only slightly disappointed that they didn't play "Fireproof" since I wanted to hear my name in the song.  But I was standing in the right place at the right time and during "Mr. November" Matt Berninger walked out into the crowd and I got tangled up in his mike cord and he ending up singing six inches from my face.  Good times. 


Monday Shop Update!

I apologize as the images are not linked, but all can be found in the SHOP!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

A Trio of Hair Combs

I recently posted up three antique hair combs at These are the last of my 75+ hair comb collection I have been selling for several years now. That isn't to say there won't be more combs added to the site. It just means any added after this will be bought for resale. I started collecting Victorian and Edwardian celluloid  hair combs some 34 years ago. Then I branched

Etsy Update: Red, White & Blue

A little bit of festive red, white and blue has been added to the Etsy shop in the form of dresses, blouses and skirts!  All available now in the Etsy shop...


The last week was spent in Los Angeles, one of my favorite places. While it seems like we were there forever it also seems like it went by in a blink. We stayed with friends and then in a sort of ramshackle yet magical "treehouse" where we shared a bathroom with the most adorable little frog, yes, he hung out the entire time we were there, I sort of wanted to bring him home. I shopped the giant Rose Bowl Flea market buying some great things for the shop, laid on the beach and watched the surfers, hiked with a very dear old friend, ate some of the yummiest meals ever, snuggled with a sweet dog named Ida and made a new friend of the the seriously charming Rodellee of Adored Vintage. I'm already scheming as to when I can make my next trip out to the west coast...

If you aren't on Instagram, you best get on it!
Follow me & the shop at Dear Golden. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The National (again)

We saw these guys play in Pittsburgh last night (road trip!) for the third (fourth?) time. Tom could tell you.  We visited the Fallingwater house, ate cheese combos at Primanti Brothers, walked along the river and of course, went to the show.  One of my favorite days. 

Monday, 10 June 2013

Ingrid Starnes S/S 14


I've looked through Ingrid Starnes' archives all the way back to her beginnings and I haven't found a collection that I didn't like.  They just keep getting better and better and the upcoming spring collection is no exception.  I want ALL of those dresses.  I would love to find something similar while out thrifting.  That would be quite a find! 


Saturday, 8 June 2013


I'm entranced by Savages and can't wait to get the entire album! I can't stop watching this video (and they were amazing live on Jimmy Fallon).

Friday, 7 June 2013


Sale starts FRIDAY June 7th • 12pm EST | Ends WEDNEDAY June 12th• 11pm EST
Layaway & reserved items excluded.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Etsy Update: Summer Sandals

Warm weather has arrived and it's time to let your toes feel the sunshine!  I've just added a collection of summery sandals (sizes 6 to 10!) to the Etsy shop.  You can find them all here...

Etsy Update: Totes & Bags

I just added a collection of summery bags to the Etsy shop.  One for every occasion: a trip to the beach, rummaging at the farmer’s market, an afternoon picnic or a weekend getaway.  See them all here...

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

1960s Variety Pack


It's so tempting to sum up the fashions of a decades as one look, and in a phrase - "hems got shorter, waist went higher."  I am as guilty as anyone. Yes,certainly there were themes and silhouettes that ran true through fashion in every period. But teens age girls don't wear what married 30 year old women wear, and they don't wear what 60 year olds wear. And that's just  age differences.

Hans Hildenbrand


One of the nice things about exploring the National Geographic Found Archives is it leads me down paths of discovering loads of new photographers.  Well, new to me, of course.  I could spend all day Googling the names that appear under each photograph to see what other treasures await.  One such discovery is Hans Hildenbrand.  He was a German photographer best known for his color photographs of World War I.  After the war, he was employed as a photographer by National Geographic.  As seen in this sampling of photographs, his work took him all over Europe, from Hungary to Austria and from Germany to Switzerland.  I love studying the details of the clothing in these photos. 
