Thursday, 13 June 2013


The last week was spent in Los Angeles, one of my favorite places. While it seems like we were there forever it also seems like it went by in a blink. We stayed with friends and then in a sort of ramshackle yet magical "treehouse" where we shared a bathroom with the most adorable little frog, yes, he hung out the entire time we were there, I sort of wanted to bring him home. I shopped the giant Rose Bowl Flea market buying some great things for the shop, laid on the beach and watched the surfers, hiked with a very dear old friend, ate some of the yummiest meals ever, snuggled with a sweet dog named Ida and made a new friend of the the seriously charming Rodellee of Adored Vintage. I'm already scheming as to when I can make my next trip out to the west coast...

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Follow me & the shop at Dear Golden. 

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