Wednesday, 31 December 2008
A First Lady A Day: Jackie
Well I had to do this one sooner or later. It very hard to even have an original thought, much less express anything new, about someone whose style has been discussed, written about, photographed, and analyzed to the nth degree for 48 years. She is a Fashion Icon. A real one, not one of those people who did a popular clothing ad once, or wore a costume designer’s cute clothes on a television show
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
A First Lady a Day : Pat
You know, I have respect for Pat Nixon. The Nixon years are ones I lived through and frankly, don’t feel any nostalgia for. Waaaay too much trauma. But she was a hard worker. Went to Vietnam and flew into a combat zone. Held it together in tough circumstances, played the hand she was dealt. She knew what it was to have to work for living and to pay her own way. A classy lady. Bio: http://
Monday, 29 December 2008
A First Lady a Day: 1861, 1865
This may be the most difficult installment of this series. Mary Todd Lincoln. Talk about a Complex Personality. On the plus side: Bright, well educated, polished, supportive of her husband’s career, believed in Lincoln when few others did. Deeply loved her husband and children. On the minus: high strung and high maintenance, jealous, given to occasional inappropriate outbursts. A compulsive
A Commercial Interruption
We interrupt our continuing series, A First Lady a Day, with this commercial message from our sponsor: 1930s Poiret Prize Print Party Dress 1970s Mollie Parnis Dress and Coat SetBoth are now available at our Etsy shop, will now return to our series.........
Sunday, 28 December 2008
First Lady a Day: 1965
Claudia Alta Taylor Johnson, best known as Lady Bird. Today, she would be called an environmentalist. She was active - big supporter of Head Start and Vista. Lady Bird was made of sturdy stuff. To be married to LBJ, and survive with personality intact, one would have had to be. I always though she got a bum rap. Being First Lady after Jacqueline Kennedy was a tough act to follow under the best of
Saturday, 27 December 2008
A First Lady a Day - Helen in 1909
Christmas break is over and we come back with Helen. Yes, we are still in the 20th C. That’s Helen Taft. A woman who wanted the job if ever there was one. She had been First Lady of the Philippines while her husband William Howard Taft was the Governor. Apparently she liked the job, and had ambitions for more. Even her official White House bio ( and these are always kind) refers to her
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
A First Lady a Day: Caroline, or 1889
You are wondering - who’s Caroline? Carrie Harrison. Lovely woman, well dressed. Elegant, yet fun loving. I have seen some of her clothes at the President Benjamin Harrison Home in Indianapolis. Very, very nice. And the house is great too - right downtown, easy to get to. Go if you have a chance. They had a spiffy display on the third floor when we were there - Death in the White House. She was
Monday, 22 December 2008
A First Lady A Day: 1977
Rosalynn, Rosalynn. I do admire Rosalynn Carter’s contributions, her sense of self and the work she has done. I even admired the goal of taking the First Family back into the realm of average folks and losing some of the Imperial Presidency trappings. And she was pushing us to take a First Lady seriously with her political work and missions abroad. She is due a great deal of recognition for that.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
A First Lady a Day: Grace
Ahhh. Grace. By all accounts, Grace Coolidge was a lovely woman and aptly named. I have never read a single negative thing about her. She was charming. Popular and warm. Loved animals. Worked with the deaf. Was the engaging, social, friendly one in the Coolidge marriage. As frugal and, well, reserved as Calvin was, he loved her to be stylish and well-dressed. She was 5'-5" , had black hair, was
Friday, 19 December 2008
A First Lady A Day - 1953/1957
That means it’s Mamie Day!I have to say it. She reminds me of my grandmother. Something I think I actually said in my grandmother's hearing once. Only once. Mamie was 10 years older after all. So - she was well liked. She was considered stylish, and with the whole pink thing, she owned the 50s. She wore designer dresses. But I always had the nagging suspicion that under that 1950s , vivacious,
A First Lady a Day
Let’s start with Eleanor Roosevelt. A great lady, generally acclaimed as of the greats of the 20th Century. Way ahead of her time and proven right on so many issues. It is far beyond my poor ability to assess her place in history.But we are talking fashion here. This is superficial. I grant you, she was not considered a stylish gal. Certainly not the prettiest First Lady. She really did have more
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Inaugural Glamour Doesn't Get Better Than This
Ah. Serendipity. Look what I found while I was searching for something else. I was searching for Inaugural dresses, prepping for a blog post on First Ladies' style and how it has held up. I will post that later. And what did I see? Babe Paley in 1953 at the Eisenhower Inaugural Ball. OMG. Is that a Charles James?? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what color it was. It doesn't matter what
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Past Perfect Opens an Etsy Store
Yes indeed! We have done it. We have opened a store: Why? It's place we will be selling accessories, hats, shoes and newer, more affordable vintage clothing from the 1950s - 1980s. We might even be brave and sell menswear. We like the format, we like the people, and we like the hearts! The price range there will generally be under a $100 and it will be a
Friday, 12 December 2008
Pucci, Oscar, Starr & more
Now we have some fine goodies for December. It's not easy finding wonderful things for our website. Truth be told, the last few shopping trips have not been as successful as we like. But still fun to get out and hunt. The stars seem to have to line up just right to find quality vintage in good condition these days. So when you find something you like - whether it's at our shop or another one -
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
What's Your Bag?
I carry a normal purse every day. A nice sturdy brown leather Coach shoulder bag. It looks like a Civil War ammunition pouch. It's great, it was a gift. I get out a black leather Ferragamo shoulder bag when the good coat comes out. Also a gift. However, I do vintage with the coat: 1950s black eyelash wool with sheared beaver collar from an Indiana farm estate auction.But when it comes to really
Monday, 8 December 2008
If Ony It Fit Me #4
1920's Silk Crepe B. Altman Kimono Jacket Made in Japan Lined in gold silk. Bust 40 inches Length 38 inches. Available @ $450.00The title is a bit of a misnomer this time. This would go on me, but would actually be a bit too big. But since I haven't made any progress on that lifestyle transplant, I will step aside and let other, better living gals have a chance. Grab this
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Christmas Party Red
I don't have a single Christmas Party invite. Oh my, that goes on the to do list. The Christmas season has finally burst upon me and my mind has drifted off to red party dresses - it's a happy place. So much better than LBDs. This is one issue I agree with Mr. Bill Blass upon: " When in doubt, wear Red". So to herald the Chrismas party season, and encourage the wearing of Christmas Red instead of
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