Monday, 30 November 2009

Yet more Victorian Hair Combs!

You may be asking yourselves - how many of these cellulod combs are in the pipeline at Past Perfect Vintage ? Well, many more, let me tell you. And each and every one a different statement. These three we recently added to the site show quite a range of style. First, a large showy Art Deco style comb in clear celluloid with blue and green stones that shouts Party Time: Then a deep green/black

Friday, 27 November 2009

A Miscelleny of New Dresses at Past Perfect

Oh yes - at Past Perfect Vintage, for Christmas we bring you a miscellany of periods and styles, but all deliciously wonderful in their way: 1950s Gold Brocade Cocktail Dress 1950s Ceil Chapman Black Silk Sheath Dress 1940s Crepe in Cream & Black with Sequins 1920s Red Chiffon Beaded Gown

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Fresh off the Victorian Press at Past Perfect Vintage

We are delighted to post these new additions to our Victorian and Edwardian Catgeory:Fantastic late 19th C. Handmade Lace Shawl - wonderful lace!c. 1918 Wedding Dress with Pearl Starburts with Perry County, KY Provenance1906 4 pc. Silk Shantung Wedding Set by Mme Grunder with Louisville, KY Provenance c. 1895 Victorian Gown with Leg-O'-Mutton Sleeves in Cinnamon Faille

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Feeling the Forties Prints

from the archivesThe colder weather and lack of leaves on the trees make these 1940s floral prints look awfully good. What was/is it about rayon that makes it take the prints so well? Regardless, some of the neatest, clearest and most colorful vintage prints were done on rayon. Personal preference are the ones of the 1940s, but there were great prints throughout the

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Oh Now,THIS is Interesting

I was browsing though the online Leslie Hindman and Kerry Taylor auction catalogues. Alright, I admit it. Not browsing, more like deep studying. And what do I see? A dress in each auction that I have sold myself. Not the actual dress, mind you - but one of the same design. I love it it when that happens! Nothing like having your taste level affirmed. In the Hindman catalogue it's this Geoffrey

Friday, 13 November 2009

Two, count 'em Two Vintage Fashion Auctions

For you Lucky Chicagoans: Leslie Hindman has a grand lineup at her Nov. 15 Sale in Chicago.As always, it's a fine lineup starting in the Teens and 1920s, with a heavy emphasis on the second half of the century designers. Leslie Hindman Lot 45: A Norman Norell Blue Silk and Silver Sequin Mermaid Gown,1960s, blue satin sash at waist. Label: Norman Norell.Photo courtesy of Leslie Hindman Auctioneers

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Perfect for Fall: the Helen Bond Carruthers Cardigan

It's always a rare treat to see these 1950s Helen Bond Carruthers cardigans. And isn't this one just about perfect for Fall? Talk about serendipity. Not that time of yeat makes any difference to HBC fans. The worksmandship is superb and I love her use of the appliques. We just received 2 sweaters in stock, this one in a marvelous brown with autumn leaves and pearl buttons. The second was black

Monday, 2 November 2009

Coming Soon! A Hat Parade In Black and Red

At least I hope these are coming soon! What with the ballet project, (done) the opera project, (done) the autumn leaves that just keep coming down and getting rained on, ( partially done) AND Kitchen Remodel 2: Cabinets of Doom, (nowhere near done) I just don't know how soon that may be. Really, I have no idea.This is woman with no kitchen sink , cabinets or countertop writing this blog. And