Sunday, 21 February 2010

Civil War Red, White and Blue

Take my word for it the stripes in this blue woven silk are red and white. There's also a touch of green, but still - how often do you see a red, white and blue late 1850s silk dress from Tennessee?This lovely gown came out of a Tennessee estate auction we hit this past fall. The dress has the fringed peplum, horizontal stripes, dropped shoulders, sleeve wings and balloon sleeves one would

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The Real McCoy ( 1950s, Vintage Version)

This is the Real McCoy. Marian McCoy, that is. Do I know who she was? Sorry, no. There were a lot of good California based designers in the post war years. They brought a lot to the table/dress form. This three piece set has the breezy style of 1950s California in a pale aqua blue wool knit with cream applique and aurora borealis rhinestones. Give this gal a convertible, and she will be as happy

Monday, 15 February 2010


This is the hat that will henceforth be known as THE Hat, (post Edwardian Division ) at Chez Past Perfect. I have consulted Mr. Past Perfect, and we are in agreement. We have had larger hats pass through our stock. We have seen hats with more astounding fripperies and doodads. But this is the largest brim we have had that wasn't from the Edwardian era. And it certainly beats most other hats for

Friday, 12 February 2010

Absolutely,Definitely,Without a Doubt: 1987

Oh yeah. 1987. Victor Costa.Check out the cover of As Seen in Vogue by Daniel Delis Hill.I love it when these things happen. I know - mass produced and only 23 years old. But still. Pretty cool. And it's a nifty 1980s dress with the sensibilty and style of the era, but classy in a way that was often lacking in the 80s. Trust me on this. I was there. The deep black velvet bodice is just strong

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

And Now for Something Different

My, I jump around from era to era here at Past Perfect Vintage. Yesterday our topic was 1880s bustle dresses, today it is 1920s wig cloches. Tomorrow??? Could be the 1980s here. Could be 1987 to be specific. It's part of the fun. I really don't have a favorite period in fashion. Just show me something shiny and detailed and I am happy.Here's today's shiny object: a 1920s gold bullion thread wig.

Monday, 8 February 2010

At Long Last - The Return to Vintage

No, I don't mean fashion magazines, red carpet queens, or the fickle designers who need a 'new' look. I don't even mean the customers - although they seem to be back, bless them!Who do I mean? Me. Oh yes, it's been a bit of a break here as other creative projects have called. But now we are back. We have been prepping lots of vintage dresses and hats, some great stuff. So here is some Past