Tuesday, 29 March 2011

It is Vintage Vacation Time in a big way

It's vacation time! It's a vintage vacation in two senses: a vacation from vintage clothing work and vintage clothing shopping but with lots of vintage clothing to wear. I am happy say there will be three 49er jackets and a 50s cardigan or two going along. Plus some 1930s jewelry and some fine thrift finds. However,the new to me fine 1970s leather coat will be staying - it doesn't fold well.This

Friday, 25 March 2011

Harry Angelo, Models of 1923: Patou

PatouIt is well beyond the scope of this blog to write a full scale write up of the House of Patou. That is a book. There is a boat load of information on Jean Patou available.Suffice it to say that in the 1920s and 30s, Patou was a dominating influence on fashion, certainly as much as Chanel. Or Vionnet. Born in 1887, he started his house in 1914, but was called up for war service. The first

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

2011 Spring Vintage Inspirations is Here

As founding member of the Vintage Fashion Guild, it is my pleasure to bring your notice to the new VFG feature: Spring 2011 Vintage Inspirations "Vintage Inspiration is here! Each spring and fall the VFG loves to notice historical influence in modern fashion – the Vintage Inspiration. This spring we’ve cheered a continuing love affair with fit-and-flare, and the 1970s could not be more

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Harry Angelo Models of 1923: Drecoll

DrécollA fine and great house of the early 20th Century, there is a bit of confusion about the founding of the house. But all sources agree that there was first there was the Belgian, Baron Christophe Drécoll, who established a successful dressmaking house in Vienna c. 1896. His designer and business manager were the husband and wife team of Mme. And M. de Wagner, also Belgian. The de Wagners

Friday, 18 March 2011

Patterns a-go-go

I have used a lot of patterns in my life. Mostly my own, but that's another saga. But I have cut my share of commercial patterns , too. Simplicity, Butterick, McCalls, Advance, Folkwear, Past Patterns, etc. And Vogue, of course. Vogues were the expensive ones. But I must say - they worked! The techniques made sense, the markings were right, the measurements were good, and the yardages were pretty

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Harry Angelo, Models of 1923: Miler Soeurs

Another obscure House of the 1920s. This one appears to have been high quality and publicized, but short lived. I give you two classic 1920 beaded dresses from The Sisters Miler.Miler SoeursMiler Soeurs was located at 75, Faubourg Saint-Honoré. This appears to have been a short lived house, active in the 1920s and early 30s. Miler Soeurs was successful enough to receive coverage and be mentioned

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Some new goodies at Past Perfect Vintage

I just posted a potpourri of new goodies @pastperfectvintage.etsy.com A few things for Spring, a few for Summer. There will be more soon. Some 1950s Vogue patterns tomorrow. A Victorian bonnet. A 50s jacket by Charles Kupersmith. A patio skirt. As I said - a potpourri. These 1950s swim trunks made me laugh out loud when I found them. They are in great shape -maybe the original owner didn't have

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Harry Angelo, Models 1923: Bernard et Cie

Now this is an obscure house. In its day - a major name. But in 2011 - almost forgotten. I promise you, this is the most information you will find in one place on this house on the internet. Although, apparently someone bought and then sold the archives to this house on ebay. How sad it has been dispersed. Bernard et CieFounded in 1905 at 31 Avenue de l’Opera. From Dressmakers of France: the

Friday, 11 March 2011

The Easter Bonnet Decision

For the first time in many many years -since childhood- I need an Easter bonnet. This is a big moment for me. Do I have a dress? Not yet. Shoes? No way. But a Hat? That has me thinking.Easter is late this year, but it could still be suit weather. We've had people in overcoats on Derby Day*. Or it could be sleeveless cotton dress and sandals weather.Oh the decisions. So here are the contenders.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Harry Angelo Model Gowns 1923: Martial et Armand

Never say I don't do research. Three more of the Harry Angelo Models of 1923, with a write up on the house. It was a prominent one in it's day, but like so many others is pretty much forgotten. There are a few photographs of actual garments on line in the Costume Institute/Metropolitan Museum database.
Martial et ArmandMartial et Armand appears to have been founded in 1896 at 13 Rue de la

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

A Trio of Woolens

It may be Spring. There may be croci in bloom by my door . There may be jonquils down the hill. But by golly, there is a fire in the stove. And it still looks like winter. That is a wool coat on the hook. These are sweaters I am wearing. Yes - more than 1 sweater. So we are still in warm clothes mode despite all the Spring fashion news. And so it follows that we post a Trio of Woolens 1970s

Sunday, 6 March 2011

1920s Night at Elizabeth's Timeless Attire

March 2, we had a combined sale event with Elizabeth's Timeless Attire at Elizabeth's Frankfort Ave Shop. Elizabeth invited us to join in and show the members of the Junior League of Louisville our 1920s duds and accessories in preparation for their upcoming 1920s themed fundraiser, Puttin' on the Ritz. There was wine,white of course, there were 20s dresses, there were wraps and capes, there

Friday, 4 March 2011

Harry Angelo Model Gowns of 1923: Agnes

After several days of research , and more hours than I care to think about, I can now tell more about than I thought possible about Maison Agnes. I have contributed a fuller write up of Maison Agnes to the Vintage Fashion Guild, and it will go up soon on the VFG Label Resource. But until them, I can clear up several points about this fashion house. It was not affiliated with Agnes, the

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Vintage from Head to Toe

Much as I love vintage dresses, suits and coats, sometimes it's all about the accessories. Today we feature hats and shoes recently added to Past Perfect Vintage. And in a departure, none of them are black! First up - a great brown felt 1940s hat with brass studs and a lot of attitude. This menswear fedora style crown is paired up with a studded frond? leaf? shape with the added inducement of a

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Harry Angelo 1923 Model Gowns: Agnes part 1

Today - more Agnes. We handled an Agnes dress once. It was really lovely. A 1920s dress, but just a bit later than these. Beautifully thought out in a soft gold silk velvet with a rhinestone and bead girdle. But in poor condition. The skirt had Art Deco roses created with velvet appliques and more stones. The label: Mme Havet, Agnes,Haute Couture 7 Rue Auber in the lower right. L'Officiel lists