Monday, 13 June 2011

A Beautiful Day


- vintage lace camisole
- Madewell chambray skirt
- Palm Springs in Your Step Sandal courtesy of Modcloth
- H&M hat

Today was one of those gorgeous days that you just can't waste by spending it indoors. I spent a bit of time in our own backyard trying to identify the birds that are frequenting our new bird feeder. What Bird is my new best friend! So far we have house sparrows and European starlings. Did you know that European starlings were first brought to North America in the 19th century by overzealous Shakespeare fans who wanted to introduce all of the species that were mentioned in Shakespeare's works? Such are the things you learn on What Bird. I've totally been nerding out on bird facts.

A couple of the wardrobe basics I've been searching for have finally landed in my closet. This chambray skirt is from Madewell and the straw hat was found in the guy's section of H&M. Hopefully it's more Panama Jack than Amos Stoltzfus. I guess asking to not look Amish is a bit much when I'm standing in the middle of an Amish cornfield.


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