Thursday, 14 July 2011

Shupp's Grove

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This past Sunday I headed up to Adamstown with Amelia to check out the flea markets. Our first stop was Shupp's Grove. I highly recommend visiting their website solely to listen to their rockin' theme song! I've tried to visit Shupp's in the past but it was always rainy or cold or something so this was my first visit. I loved it! It's outside but all in the shade so even on this hot July day it was pleasant to walk around. There are stands and stands of things to look at and just when I thought we had reached the end, we rounded a corner and it just kept going. Of course I got fussed at by a grumpy old lady for taking photos (someone please explain to me why flea market people are so fussy about photos - I really want to know!). I ended up picking up a couple of things for myself and one lovely 40s velvet dress that I'll put in the shop this fall.

It was getting rather hot so instead of going to Renninger's to walk around outside we stopped at the Mad Hatter to take advantage of the air conditioning. That place is pretty vast too. It's always fun to visit the Memories shop because it's like rooting around through and old lady's attic who's been squirreling vintage dresses and hats away for decades. Again, I picked up a couple of things for myself (photos coming!) and Amelia found a couple of dresses as well.

Then we made one last stop at Oley Valley Architectural Antiques. The purpose of this visit was not so much to buy anything but simply to oooh and ahhh at the massive furniture and doors stored in this place. I swear, as soon as we walked in my first thought was, "we're in the Room of Requirement!" With every corner we turned I was sure we were going to find a vanishing cabinet or a copy of Advanced Potion Making. I'm convinced most of the furniture came out of a castle because I can't imagine anyone having ceilings high enough otherwise.

I was going to get a better shot of my outfit for this post after I got home. I had planned on using our backyard which is finally filling in with all the flowers I planted in the spring. Tom and I were sitting on the backyard swing relaxing for a bit when a catbird swooped in and landed on the trellis above us. They have really lovely songs like a mocking bird so we were excited he had joined us when... you guess it! He pooped all over my white dress. Ugh. Just my luck! So, no outfit photos in the backyard for now.


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