Sunday, 27 November 2011

Tweed Run


I would love to one day witness (or perhaps participate in!) the Rugby Ralph Lauren's Tweed Run in New York City. Or better yet, in London! It seems like it would be so much fun to be surrounded by so many well dressed ladies and dapper gentlemen.


Friday, 25 November 2011

Photography: Of Kentucky


Since I just spent the better part of a week down south, I thought I would make today's photography post southern related. I was searching for something to post about when I remembered a link that Tom sent to me about a photo essay featured in the New York Times called Of Kentucky. It features photography by Shelby Lee Adams (a good southern name, if I may say so myself) from the book Salt & Truth spotlighting the Kentucky countryside where his family resided for generations.

Then I had second thoughts. I’m a bit protective of the south and find that people who haven’t been there and experienced it for themselves typically don’t hold it in very high regard. Wherever I go, I’m always surprised at the general ignorance in people’s opinions of the South. Although you can’t deny the truths shown in this series of photographs (there it all is, documented in black and white) I’m hesitant to show this facet of southern life, lest I reinforce the stereotypes that so many harbor about southerners.

Then I read a quote from the book that changed my mind again. While I don't personally relate to the way of life shown in the photos, Adams says in the book, "when I was young I couldn't wait to leave Kentucky. Now I value every day when I return." I can certainly relate to a part of that statement. I didn't grow up waiting out the days to leave Alabama, but I certainly value every day that I get to spend there now.


Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Get Your Airline Tickets: 2 Vintage Fashion Auctions

We have been to a few of these sales in our time. They are quite the experience, and one I recommend. Getting to see this much quality vintage fashion in one room at one time is exhilarating. Getting to inspect these garments in person and up close is an education in design construction and history. Plus, just being in the room when the bidding is happening is exciting. And for those of us who

Back in Pennsylvania

- Steven Alan dress
- Madewell cape
- UO hat
- H&M tights
- Bonvelle shoes courtesy of Blowfish
- vintage Coach purse

After a few relaxing days traveling in Alabama and I finally back home to the cold and grey of Pennsylvania. I was determined to stay away from the internet as much as possible while I was down south and did just that. I didn't take any photos for the blog at all! I just hung out with family and old friends and enjoyed a bit of a break.

A few things I enjoyed while I was there: catching up with my Birmingham girlfriends over beers at Rojo (you know who you are ladies! I miss you!), seeing my former cat Stewie living the good life in his new country home, learning to use a drill press to make candle holders in my parent's workshop, taking a nap in a hammock with my one year old niece, helping lay the floor for my parent's new chicken coop and playing a game of Skip-Bo on the front porch in the unseasonably warm weather with my family.


Friday, 18 November 2011

Modern Vintage 2011

Here is the final product of our recent trip to NYC. I'm currently traveling so I'm going to keep this post short on words since it's heavy on photos. And speaking of photos, this post wouldn't be complete without a huge thank you to my partner in crime, Tom, for taking all of these photos, for humoring me when I want to do ONE MORE outfit and for designing the entire flip book.

If this thing works the way it's supposed to, you should be able to flip through the photos here on the blog, or click on the photos to view them larger. You can even download it if you want!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

A November Potpourri

We certainly added a lot of new inventory to both Past Perfect Vintage and Past Perfect, the Etsy Division this month. I already featured the Victorian through 1930s pieces here, so now it's time for a potpourri showing. Can we see a theme here? Let's try. 
 L., Grey 1950 Bernhard Altmann Cashmere Pullover, R. 1950s Striped Wool Suit by Irene
 L. Morris Moskowitz Purple Silk Evening Purse, R

Monday, 14 November 2011

Nadinoo Winter 2011


I had something different planned for the blog today but the combination of not feeling well and preparing for a trip out of state beginning Thursday has me in a bit of a funk. Instead, I'm happy to spread the word about the Nadinoo Winter 2011 collection. The collection features lots more of the bird prints that I adored in the Fall collection and a pair of killer high waisted shorts that are going on my wishlist.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

One for the Vintage Sweater Fans

From an unknown newspaper, we have this ad for Nanette's gift sweaters in cashmere with lace and passementerie. I'll take two, please.  
Note that both are available in black, but drawn as light colors to show the detail.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Tara Jarmon


It was refreshing to discover Tara Jarmon's Madaemoiselle Tara collection via Erin's blog yesterday. Like Erin, I was unfamiliar with the line even though it's apparently been around for ages. I like the mod undertones of the collection and the cheerful pops of color. I would definitely give that orange floppy hat a go.


Thursday, 10 November 2011

Our Latest 1920s and 30s Acquisitions

This month, we were pleased to show so many wonderful pieces from the Victorian through 1930s eras. We featured the early pieces in a previous blog post, so it's time for the 1920s - 1930s to get a bit of the spotlight.  
These dresses are all from one private, discriminating collector with a fine eye for period styles. And this is just the beginning, we will be adding pieces from this

Oswald's Mill

photos by Cynthia van Elk

If I started a new category on the blog called "can I please live here?" Oswald's Mill might be on the very top of that list. How can so much amazing stuff be in one place?! Every detail is just lovely. The funny thing is, the mill is only about an hour or so away from where we're living now. That's doable, right?!


Monday, 7 November 2011

It's Monday. Eye Candy of the Galanos Variety is Needed

A friend who knows I like this sort of thing, just brought me these San Francisco Examiner clippings. Both of these are 1957, and feature early work from James Galanos. Some time ago, we handled a red chiffon Galanos dress from this era, and I am delighted to note that it had an identical back treatment to the top illustration. These are both glorious dresses, with bouffant skirts and show the

Beekman Place


- 60s wool sweater
- 30s wool jacket
- Steven Alan chambray shirt
- thrifted wool skirt (shortened by me)
- H&M tights
- vintage boots, belt & wool hat

Yesterday Tom and I ventured up to New York City for a day of exploring and taking photos. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that a planned trip to NY had been delayed and yesterday was finally the day. This trip has been in the works for quite some time! A while back, Tom was invited to photograph a historic abandoned building in the financial district of Manhattan and asked me if I would like to come along. The answer was an easy yes.

The Beekman Street building was once known as Temple Court and was built in 1882. Today it is the earliest surviving “fireproof” office building of the pre-skyscraper period. It is also the third building in the city to have had an elevator installed. The elevators are still working, by the way. Words really can't do this place justice. Everywhere you look there are amazing details, from the art nouveau style stair railings to the cast iron dragons that hold up each balcony. I was daydreaming about living there the entire time I was wandering around! The fate of the building is still unknown as it sits abandoned but there are rumors of it being turned into a hotel. I want to go back and stay there someday!

Here are just a few quick snapshots I took around the place. As I walked around I found a lot of the rooms held evidence of past photos shoots; piles of hair pins, tissues smeared with lipstick, a set of prop ladders that had been left leaning in the sunlight. I couldn't resist carrying in an armload of clothes myself to have some fun with. Tom took lots of amazing photos that we are working on compiling into something (not sure exactly what yet) to present on the blog. I can't wait to show you!


Friday, 4 November 2011

Hunsecker's Mill Covered Bridge


photos by Tom b.

- Alexa Chung for Madewell dress
- thrifted J. Crew cashmere cardigan
- Rachel Comey boots
- vintage wool beret
- vintage Coach purse

Here we are at another local covered bridge! I never knew there were so many around this area. I supposed I could make this a regular feature on the blog. Ha, ha. The funniest thing about these photos is that after they were taken, I realized that the half-erased graffiti I was standing in front of used to say "this is not a photo op." I suppose I beg to differ.


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Chez Ninon

When Mrs. Obama wore a Norell dress recently, many current fashion writers latched onto the phrase "forgotten designer Norman Norell". If someone as successful, respected and honored as Norell is considered forgotten, then high end American boutiques of the 20th Century don’t stand a chance of being remembered. And that’s a shame. There really aren’t many custom salons left, although quite a few

Wednesday, 2 November 2011



If I was a dude, I would be seriously obsessed with Unionmade Goods. Hell, I'm not a dude and I'm pretty obsessed with it. I think it's the most perfectly curated guy's shop I've come across online. There are lots of classic woodsy looks for fall and winter. It's great for the guy in your life or for some tomboy inspiration for yourself.