Thursday, 5 January 2012

1928 DIY


I didn't make any New Year's resolutions for this year, but if I had, one would probably have been to make more things by hand.  More DIY!  I got a little head start at the end of last year by making some Christmas decorations for our tree;  yarn-ball ones and salt dough ornaments like these.  It was pretty satisfying to create something from scratch for the first time in quite a while, even though the salt dough ornaments were a bit of a fail.  I learned from my mistakes and they'll be better next time! 

Tom sent me the images from this Le Page's Craft Creations in the Modern Manner as a bit of inspiration for my DIY cravings.  Of course, I don't think he wants me to start covering everything in the house with pretty, patterned paper.  Here's a bit about Le Page's from the Daily Heller:

The Russia Cement Co., manufacturers of LePage's Glue in Gloucester, Mass., was known for publishing craft books. "Over a million women have bought LePage's Craft Books, which have shown them how to make useful, practical, attractive gifts with the help of LePage's Glue -- the money-saving, handy mender." Craft Creations helped the housewife transform the commonplace into the extraordinary. "You will find in making these articles that your handiest tool is your old mending friend LePage's Glue."  In those days products were not just brands, they were "friends."

Shown here are ways of antiquing, applying aluminum leaf, and other decoupage details to foot stools, cupboards, desk sets, book shelves, mirror frames, clothes hampers, boudoir boxes, kitchen spice shelves, serving trays and card tables. There is even a bench affixed with a map of New York City.  LePage's was essential to the modern home, even though the packaging was very nineteenth century. 

"More than one woman has written, 'I do not know how I could keep house without LePage's.'"


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