Friday, 6 January 2012



I was doing a little internet research on autochromes and sort of felt like I'd fallen down the rabbit hole.  There are so many sites and so much information it can be a bit overwhelming.  I know back in the infancy of the blog (way back in '08!) I did a blog post about autochromes based on the Belgian Autochromists site.  If you haven't fallen down that rabbit hole before, I highly recommend it. But since then nary a word about them so I thought it was high time that I shared by favorite collection of autochromes in case you hadn't seem them before. 

The images were captured by Lieutenant Colonel Mervyn O’Gorman, a distinguised Aeronautical engineer, of his daughter Christina at and near Lulworth Cove in Dorset, in 1913.  Don't they look like they could be right out of a modern day editorial?


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