- vintage blouse
- 50s wool skirt
- Rachel Comey boots
- vintage barrette from Lawrence
- listening to: Chelsea Wolfe - Apokalypsis "Mer"
I'm finally getting around to experimenting a bit with my new camera. I'm quite clumsy and have dropped and broken more than one little point and shoot camera so I'm super paranoid every time I pick the new one up that I'm going to somehow manage to break it. I was also hesitant to put in on my tripod for outfit photos since a strong wind once knocked over one of my smaller cameras that was attached to the tripod and it was never the same. But I ended up taking the chance and so far, so good (fingers crossed). Now I just have to learn a bit more about metering the photos since all of the ones I took ended up a bit overexposed. I was able to salvage this one. Yes, I'm super pale, but I'm not a ghost!
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