Friday 20 April 2012

Weekend Plans


 - Madewell silk blouse
 - 70s knit skirt
 - Rachel Comey boots
 - vintage Coach purse

This weekend, unlike recent ones, holds some promise for excitement.  There's an estate sale that I'm going to on Saturday morning that I'm pretty excited about (hopefully I'll get to take some photos and show you more later).  I really don't know if I'll buy anything... I mostly just want to snoop around the house and marvel at all the antiques. The sun is already out which means I'll get to spend some time in the garden.  That means a trip to the garden center which is one of my favorite places to wander around for hours.  I want to take everything home with me.  And, since Tom is out of town until Monday I have a lady-date with a girlfriend for Thai food on Sunday night (followed by Mad Men, of course).

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