Tuesday 3 July 2012

Paris! Ooh La La!


After a few cloudy grey days in London we took the Chunnel to Paris.  I thought the Chunnel would be a bit scary, but it was actually quite a boring ride.  At the exact minute we were scheduled to arrive, we pulled into the train station and I stepped into mainland Europe for the first moment in my life.  Here are a few photos and notes about our first couple of days in Paris.
  • The city was a bit intimidating to navigate at first, but once we got our Metro passes and figured out the train routes it was quite easy. 
  • One day we bought Batobus tickets so we could hop on and off the water bus as it circled round and round the Seine.  
  • There are literally cafes on every corner.  That is not an exaggeration.  I did not eat any macaroons, but I did have more than my fair share of crepes and croissants.  
  • The Simpsons is still funny, even when overdubbed in French. 
  • We enjoyed the times we spent exploring the neighborhood where our hotel was located (the Latin Quarter) more than the time we spent doing the touristy stuff we tried out. 
  • Vintage shops were either full of junky 70s polyester for relatively cheap, or  beautifully curated and way out of my price range.  I think everything I like was close to 120 euros!
  • We went to the top of the Arc de Triomphe, but not the Eiffel Tower.  The line was too long! 

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