Friday, 31 August 2012

Secret South


I hadn't planned on posting yet another collection this week but then an email landed in my inbox announcing the new collection from Secret South, formerly known as Secret Squirrel. I have to say I like the new name better. I never thought the name quite fit since it's a bit whimsical and the clothes are anything but. I love this collection, as I have every collection they've done without fail. The prints are wonderful and I think some of these pieces may even have me considering the color orange, something I don't think I've ever worn.


Thursday, 30 August 2012

so long summerstagram

The inevitable is here; with this weekend's Labor Day holiday the summer officially comes to a close. Sure, there will still be warm & sunny days, but that je ne sais quoi of summer will have passed...sigh...I must lament for I am certain I haven't taken full advantage of the season. Tonight, as I was leaving the shop, I vowed that NEXT summer I would work less and enjoy summer more. Thankfully, I did get some trips in, even two to northern Michigan! Taking Instagram pictures makes one acutely aware of just how fast time passes, it's like a visual diary, at least for me. So here's the last of summer in my world, and I will say I am very much looking forward to autumn, if only it wasn't so closely followed by a seemingly endless winter...


 via here & here 

These are fun, no? In trying to choose a favorite I so wanted to choose something other than the 1920s image just because I like that era so much, but alas, that is the one I like the best, or maybe the 2000 because the lil' gal sort of looks like a cat. Which image is your favorite, your usual taste in fashion of the decades notwithstanding?

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Sessun Fall 2012


Today Tom and I made a road trip to pick up some supplies for a special project he's working on and stopped along the way to stock up at Trader Joe's.  I often think if Lancaster would only get a Trader Joe's my life here would be complete!  I wore a dress and boots and threw on my denim jacket just before we walked out the door.  I think the denim jacket was overkill but somewhere in the back of my mind I was hoping it would be cool enough outside to justify it.  I was wrong!  I keep having to remind myself it's still August and not yet fall.  That's hard to do when everyday there's another new fall collection, like this one from Sessun, to gaze upon and day dream about.


Sears catalog 1972


Par for the course with 1970s fashion, some things to love and some things to hate.
Which do you love/hate?

Monday, 27 August 2012

Attic & Barn


I first discovered Attic & Barn last year when Madewell began carrying a few of their pieces but I don't recall including the collection on the blog.  But when this fall collection came out it definitely hit a few right notes for me.  I've been buying more prints lately than ever before and quite a few of these dresses would fit nicely in my closet.  The Madewell site says the great thing about this collection is that you can own a vintage looking piece "without expending an ounce of elbow grease digging around your local thrift stores" but for someone like me, digging around in the thrift store is half (if not more) of the fun. 


oh my stars...

Helllllooooo! Some new additions to the shop for your consideration... see them HERE.