Friday, 28 May 2010

Vintage Shops We Reccommend , part 4

This week we got to take a day and drive Indiana looking for vintage. I won't divulge everywhere we went - some secrets must stay kept. But we found a shop we had never been in, IndySwank at Fountain Square in Indianapolis. I was looking for an antique shop that used to carry a lot of vintage, but it was gone. Out of business. But I found this one instead. Further proof we may not find what we

Monday, 24 May 2010

My New ( but Vintage as always) Jacket

If you have tread this blog before, you know I am a big fan of tailoring. Especially good tailoring from the late 1940s and early 1950s. It's a weakness. I realize it could be worse. At least if I purchase items in my size, they are wearable and therefore practical. And uniquely stylish. I could have a weakness for bias cut ball gowns. No there's something a gal can't have too many of! Perfect

Saturday, 15 May 2010

2 Designers, 2 Dresses

Two very different dresses, yes? The first, a custom original by Howard Greer, who had a distinguished career in film costume design before a long career in fashion design. In this c. 1959 - 1960 superbly made dress, he combined red silk chiffon and red silk faille with bugle beads in rows and in pave bands. The chiffon over blouse is scooped to reveal a heart shaped interior bodice edged with a

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The 1950s is Black

More and more 50s. We found even more 50s in our hunts. The Delmans make me want the small feet I don't have. Haven't worn this size since I was oh, in 5th grade. Maybe 4th.But they sure are pretty. Doeskin with beaded buckles,slingback, peep toes and a nice slim heel. 1950s Delman shoes now available at Past Perfect Vintage And they would be perfect with this Luis Estevez dress. Lovely scoop

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Spring in the 50s = Silk Flowers

Even more 1950s fun. This time we show you 2 silk twill dresses in a late 50s silhouette. Very Slim, very Sleek. These two dresses were most likely one woman's. Both are dressmaker made and beautifully done, with silk linings and silk bound seams. The red poppy dress has a clever dropped hem panel with a belt, although it is made with a piped waist seam so as to look finished without. The gray

Monday, 10 May 2010

More 50s Fashion - can there be too much?

I have added all sorts of tracking results to, and can now tell you that the The 40s and 50s is the most hit on page other than the home page. So that means the 1940s and 1950s still reign supreme. They have been popular vintage looks since the 80s at least. The appeal just does not fade. I think it's that the silhouettes look good on so many people and the clothes are so

Saturday, 8 May 2010

About Our New Image

For those of you who may be wondering: What's the new photo all about? Looks like a lot of men and this is predominately, almost exclusively a blog about womens vintage fashion.The gentleman on the far left in the white vest and smoking a cigar is my great grandfather. The rest is a bit of a mystery. It's a downtown Louisville storefront, but we are not sure where. Who the other men are?

Friday, 7 May 2010

A 50s Fiesta!

The 1950s. The 50s dresses are fighting the 1920s for supremacy here at Past Perfect. First up is a blue, black and white abstract print in a silk twill with a black faille inset waistband.The nifty button tab detail doesn't show in the photos, but it's there. The bateau neckline and dolman sleeve combination is a favorite of mine. That's the price of entering the adult fashion market in the

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Flappers A-Go-Go (Part 5): The Finale!

At last. The ubiquitous 1920s opera coat. I must wonder just how many people were going to the opera in the 1920s and 30s? Was it the heyday of opera attendance in the 20th century? Were farmers and miners across the USA suddenly getting decked out and taking their wives to see Aida? Madame Butterfly? I know polo has a sudden burst of popularity, but I tough everyone was going to the movies.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Flappers A-Go -Go! ( Part 4)

I think this is one of the best 1920s hats I have ever had. This comes out of my personal stash. It was a gift many years ago from a dear friend. A friend with excellent taste and a fine knowledge of costume history. He found it is a small Kentucky town, but it most likely came from California. It has all the qualities I like in antique and vintage clothing. Good lines, great color, rich detail

Monday, 3 May 2010

Flappers A-Go-Go (Part 3)

As you may have guessed, this is a multi part series! And with the beaded silk dress and beaded velvet bandeau I posted already, this spiffy coat would complete a period ensemble. 1920s coats tend to have convertible collars that can close high at the neckline or just low at the dropped waist. So does this one. The big fur collar and matching cuffs are true to the period as well. What you can't

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Flappers A-Go -Go! ( Part 2)

Our last post features fantastic white beaded velvet 1920s bandeau. Now this is the perfect dress to go with it. Ivory silk crepe back satin with wonderful silver and white beading . Not only are the scrolls wandering up the body, there are panels of diagonally set beaded fringe to match. Rose montee stones were used to highlight the beading and edge the necklines. This dinner/ dance dress