Saturday, 26 December 2009
That Past Perfect Vintage Sale? It Ends Soon!
Don't Forget!The First Ever Vintage Designer Sale at Past Perfect Vintage ends so very soon - Dec 31st!There's still time to get a great Vintage Dress or Gown for New Year's Eve if you hurry..............there's always Express Mail, you know. If you can't decide whether to go short or long, there's this great pink chiffon 1950s gown in our The 40s and 50s section with a Fabulous beaded bodice,
Monday, 21 December 2009
Teeny Tiny Shoe Eye Candy
Occasionally I find teeny tiny sz 4 shoes. I almost always pass them by - they are so small! I mean, short of footbinding, how do feet stay this small?My feet? Let's just agree I couldn't have gotten my foot in a sz 4 after the age of 5. But shoe designs look so amazingly great in this size, they really do. The second most droolworthy shoes I ever found were a pair or 1940s size 4 black velvet
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Our First Vintage Designer Sale Ever!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!We have mailed gifts, we have delivered gifts around and we still have more shopping to do. But first , it's time for our wonderful Past Perfect Vintage customers to get a gift, too:The First Ever Past Perfect Vintage Christmas Designer SaleThere's Mainbocher, Trigere, Patullo-Copeland, Parnis, Irene, Fath, Moschino and Givenchy all on sale at http://
Sunday, 13 December 2009
The Joys of Studying Local Department Stores
If you have visited Louisville Department Stores, you realize I have been on the hunt for information on my local department and clothing stores for several years now. It's a byproduct of finding so many wonderful pieces of vintage clothing with local labels in them. And the residue of memory is an impetus as well - I can remember some of these venues - and they were wonderful!I do restrict
Saturday, 12 December 2009
New. Lots of New coming
Oh, my we have been busy. First, that kitchen remodel is done! Then we had an early Christmas. Then we got some 20 items ready and up at, and they are up and going fast. Here's an eclectic sample, but go take look, then come back. 1970 Rodrigues Maxi Dress 1950s Paisley Blouse1970s Velvet Gaucho Set 1979s Print Blousec. 1904 Wedding Bodice Sash and shoes Gold
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Thierry Mugler
Thierry Mugler seems to be awfully hot right now in Vintage Fashion. The resukt of a nostaglia for the 1980s, I suppose. It's usually the cocktail dresses and sexy gowns I see in the big auction house catalogues. You can imagine my surprise when I found this wool pantsuit locally. Kentucky is hardly fashion forward, and certainly not too many French designers stop by to say hey. If you find a
Monday, 30 November 2009
Yet more Victorian Hair Combs!
You may be asking yourselves - how many of these cellulod combs are in the pipeline at Past Perfect Vintage ? Well, many more, let me tell you. And each and every one a different statement. These three we recently added to the site show quite a range of style. First, a large showy Art Deco style comb in clear celluloid with blue and green stones that shouts Party Time: Then a deep green/black
Friday, 27 November 2009
A Miscelleny of New Dresses at Past Perfect
Oh yes - at Past Perfect Vintage, for Christmas we bring you a miscellany of periods and styles, but all deliciously wonderful in their way: 1950s Gold Brocade Cocktail Dress 1950s Ceil Chapman Black Silk Sheath Dress 1940s Crepe in Cream & Black with Sequins 1920s Red Chiffon Beaded Gown
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Fresh off the Victorian Press at Past Perfect Vintage
We are delighted to post these new additions to our Victorian and Edwardian Catgeory:Fantastic late 19th C. Handmade Lace Shawl - wonderful lace!c. 1918 Wedding Dress with Pearl Starburts with Perry County, KY Provenance1906 4 pc. Silk Shantung Wedding Set by Mme Grunder with Louisville, KY Provenance c. 1895 Victorian Gown with Leg-O'-Mutton Sleeves in Cinnamon Faille
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Feeling the Forties Prints
from the archivesThe colder weather and lack of leaves on the trees make these 1940s floral prints look awfully good. What was/is it about rayon that makes it take the prints so well? Regardless, some of the neatest, clearest and most colorful vintage prints were done on rayon. Personal preference are the ones of the 1940s, but there were great prints throughout the
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Oh Now,THIS is Interesting
I was browsing though the online Leslie Hindman and Kerry Taylor auction catalogues. Alright, I admit it. Not browsing, more like deep studying. And what do I see? A dress in each auction that I have sold myself. Not the actual dress, mind you - but one of the same design. I love it it when that happens! Nothing like having your taste level affirmed. In the Hindman catalogue it's this Geoffrey
Friday, 13 November 2009
Two, count 'em Two Vintage Fashion Auctions
For you Lucky Chicagoans: Leslie Hindman has a grand lineup at her Nov. 15 Sale in Chicago.As always, it's a fine lineup starting in the Teens and 1920s, with a heavy emphasis on the second half of the century designers. Leslie Hindman Lot 45: A Norman Norell Blue Silk and Silver Sequin Mermaid Gown,1960s, blue satin sash at waist. Label: Norman Norell.Photo courtesy of Leslie Hindman Auctioneers
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Perfect for Fall: the Helen Bond Carruthers Cardigan
It's always a rare treat to see these 1950s Helen Bond Carruthers cardigans. And isn't this one just about perfect for Fall? Talk about serendipity. Not that time of yeat makes any difference to HBC fans. The worksmandship is superb and I love her use of the appliques. We just received 2 sweaters in stock, this one in a marvelous brown with autumn leaves and pearl buttons. The second was black
Monday, 2 November 2009
Coming Soon! A Hat Parade In Black and Red
At least I hope these are coming soon! What with the ballet project, (done) the opera project, (done) the autumn leaves that just keep coming down and getting rained on, ( partially done) AND Kitchen Remodel 2: Cabinets of Doom, (nowhere near done) I just don't know how soon that may be. Really, I have no idea.This is woman with no kitchen sink , cabinets or countertop writing this blog. And
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Serendipity = 1880s Bustle Dresses
I tell you - you just never know in the vintage clothing game. People ask me where I find things, I am am not being evasive when I say: " you never know". Wonderful things can crop up anytime and anywhere. Long story short, we were supposed to go out of town and had to cancel. Disappointmnet reigned.So we did an errand, and got doughnuts. I know - terrible. But they were very fresh and tasty.
Friday, 23 October 2009
1975 Sears Catalogue - Ooh La La!
I just received a 1975 Sears catalogue in a house cleanout. And oh my, it is a veritable treasure trove of blog fodder. I am about to reveal just how old I am, but I graduated from high school in 1974. I swear I never wore these clothes. I swear, I mean I am flabbergasted. I knew it was bad. I remember some unfortunate plaid bell bottoms and quite a few ribbed sweater tops. Maybe even a qiana
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
A Little Touch of Rudi
I must say that Rudi Gernreich is not a designer that new vintage people gush about. They are more likely to have fallen for the romantic looks of various periods, or the styles that work in the re-enactment world. Which is fine. The world needs romance and little role playing is fun. But variety and sophistication are needed as well. Acquired tastes are a good thing.I think part of the appeal is
Saturday, 10 October 2009
A Love of 40s Hats That Might Take Counseling
I seem to have a slightly obsessive atraction to 1940s tilt top hats. Percher hats if you will. AKA doll hats. I don't have any idea why. There are many things I am attracted to in clothing that I would never wear which date back to a young exposure to Barbie in 1962. We won't g there now. Too time consuming.But this 1940 hat thing. A puzzle. Straw is nice, flowers are good , too. But it's the
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Another Day as Victorian Laundress
Why do I do this to myself? I am no great fan of ironing. I do not love the smell of spray starch in the morning. I bet it's even carcinogenic. In the 30 years I have collected and later dealt in Vintage Clothing, I have seen hundreds of Victorian and Edwardian whites go by. Dresses, blouses, skirts, the full range of underwear from the 1850s to the 20s. Truth be told, I let 99% of it go right
Monday, 5 October 2009
Even More 1950s Fashion
And now, part 2 of the 50s Fashion Run.We have suits: 1950s Bobbie Brooks All Weather Suit ( or so the label says)1950s Brown Nubby Wool Suit from Pogue's We have separates: 1950s Cream Wool Beaded Sweater 1950s Chinese Embroidered Silk Jacket And last, one very neat dress: 1950s Black Wool and Knit Lace Dress with Blouson Bodice
Sunday, 4 October 2009
The Fifties Called & They Want Their Dresses Back
It seems we have been on a 1950s Fashion Run for a bit. Now that would be a great name and theme for a fundraiser, wouldn't it? The 5K 50s Fashion Run to Benefit the Vintage Impaired with a 3K walk for the stiletto wearers! I'd pay to see that, I really would.As my fellow shoppers and vintage devotees know, the discoveries always go in streaks out there. Sometimes is all the Victorian black I can
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Okay, Label Fiends: Fess Up
Oh yes. Label Snobs are nothing new. Now I am so sold we didn't have clothing with the labels on the outside, nor huge logos on T shirts, and the zipper pulls on our purses were just zipper pulls, not 3" metal and rhinestone logos.But let's face it. We all knew what the 'good' ( and expensive) labels were. The cool girls had them. The shops they were in were the 'best'. Our parents tried to teach
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
New Inventory Up and Running!
We have new vintage delights up and coming to Dresses, sunglasses and more. This is our venue for reasonably priced pieces and accessories, so head over to get a good deal.Photos you query?Of course.As ever, just click on photos for details.One of 3 pair of Big Eye lens sunglasses coming soon1940s Silk Crepe Novelty Print Dress1950s Silk Crepe Blue
Monday, 7 September 2009
It's All About the Hair Combs
I know the world of vintage clothing collectors seems small sometimes. But believe me, the world of Vintage Hair Comb collectors is really tiny in comparison. These are the decorative type I am talking about, found in horn, celluloid, tortoiseshell, metals, gutta percha, rubber, mother of pearl and ivory. They were worn from about 1800 to the 1930s. They are still around, but the techniques of
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Passing the Kreativ Blogger Baton
My dear friend Lizzie at The Vintage Traveler just passed the Kreativ Blogger award baton to me. I am touched. Now it is my turn to pass the baton on in this relay race. Here's the setup : 7 blogs, 7 things I love. Seven Blogs for Seven Sisters: Like Lizzie, I read The Girl Can't Help It every day. Kim is a wickedly funny writer with a unique take on life, vintage and how we see it all. You
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Earthtones = Fall
I grudgingly admit that fall will be here soon. People are asking about suits and coats. Not that it is anywhere near time for wool, but it's on the horizon. Now the good thing about earthtones and all those autumal colors is that in lighter fabrics and accessories, you can achieve that autumn feeling sooner and more comfortably. And if there is anything Vintage Clothing can provide, it is earth
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Fifties.Fun. I Don't Care if it's Fall
I know. These are warm weather dresses and Fall is coming. Tough noogies. The sun is shining, the trees are green and the weather is perfect. It's in the 80s here. It is not anywhere near time for wool or even jackets yet. So I bring you 2 finds from the 1950s.The first:A charming Emma Domb in white with billowing skirt, has its on net crinnoline, and sweet pink and green enbroidered flowers
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
All the Dress That's Fit to Print
Today it's all about The Print. First, a print silk Givenchy dress from the mid 1960s in a Mod pink and yellow print. Note the simplicty of the cut combined with the striking print. This is a numbered couture gown and the quality is amazing. Now available at Past Perfect Vintage Second, a 1970s Maurice jersey dress in bold black and hot color combination. The Maurice label is a bit of a mystery,
Monday, 31 August 2009
Digging that 1940s Gold
Every season brings the new "in" colors. Colors have gone in and out of favor for decades, actually centuries. This year, it's red. Not that red ( or for that matter, black or white) is ever very far from the forefront. And we will be showing some red soon here, too. But let's look at what they did with Gold in the 1940s:This early 1940s gold damask evening coat from the very early 1940s has the
Saturday, 29 August 2009
A Third Sept. Vintage Fashion Auction - Kerry Taylor
John Bates futuristic white gaberdine cotton and silver vinyl ensemble @ Kerry Taylor Auctions It's quite the season for vintage fashion at the big auction houses. I mentioned the Leslie Hindman Auction in Chicago on the 2nd, and the Augusta Auction in Sturbridge, MA on the 10th - and now there's the Kerry Taylor Auction in London. On September 15, Kerry Taylor Auctions will offer the Marit
Monday, 24 August 2009
Two September Vintage Fashion Auctions!
September brings two wonderful vintage clothing and textile auctions. First up will be Leslie Hindman's Vintage Couture and Accessories Auction on Wednesday, September 2 at 3PM at Hindman's gallery at 1338 West Lake Street, Chicago, IL. The catalogue is online and it's a gorgeous assortment of fashion. As usual at this house, the selection is heavy with mid century and later designer labels, but
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Melody Fortier & The Little Guide to Vintage Shopping
I am delighted to have the opportunity to interview Melody Fortier, author of the new book: The Little Guide to Vintage Shopping, which can now be pre-ordered here.Melody Fortier has been in the vintage business for some time. She has a shop in Gardner, Mass., a Website, a Blog, she writes articles on vintage clothing, and she is a active member of the Vintage Fashion Guild. Clearly, she has a
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Vintage Shops We Recommend, Part 3
This is the Maine edition. Vacations can yield so much helpful information, can't they? We drove and drove and shopped antique stores, antique malls, consignmnet shops and even a couple actual vintage clothing stores. Miles and Miles later, this is what I can tell you.In Portland:Material Objects, 500 Congress St. : The emphasis is on Young and Fun. This is a busy shop with a mix of new,
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
A Schizophrenic Vintage Life
When asked, what my favorite period of clothing is, I automatically freeze up. There was a time when I had a favorite, but that was long ago. I have given up such delusions of youth. I have developed an appreciation for fine construction and nice lines. I do have a soft spot for good fabric. After that, all bets are off. I have yet to come to love the 1980s, but I was an adult then and buying
Friday, 10 July 2009
White on Vintage White
There is something so crisp and clean about vintage whites. And not just the Victorian cotton lingerie dresses and undergarments, lovely as they are when they are laundered and pressed. There's a wonderful warm tone to vintage white leather and white textiles that new white fabrics and leather don't have. They are stark. Clinical. Vintage is Soft. It Glows.It isn't easy to find vintage whites
Saturday, 4 July 2009
A Weakness for Ladies' Tailoring Rears It's Head
Some women love lace, some ruffles and frills. Others find joy in satins and feathers. And then there's the gauzey, floaty chiffon crowd. All good, all fine. For me, it's good wool and tailoring. Is it because of the clean lines? The technique demanded? Because there is no room for error in tailoring. You can hide behind a ruffle or gather. But not a tailored lapel. It certainly isn't because I
Friday, 3 July 2009
July is Here & That Means New Vintage at Past Perfect
We are excited. We just added 16 new (to us) items at Past Perfect Vintage Clothing. We will feature more in the coming days, but here's a small preview :Lovely c. 1910 White Cotton Lingerie Dress in a Wearable Size with pintucks, lace insertion, applique and tiny crocheted buttons, @ Charming 1940s Floral Taffeta Dress with shirred bust in
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
The Votes are In!
No,this is not about Al Franken.The Big News? Past Perfect Vintage Clothing makes Lulu's Top Ten!Thank you to all who voted for us - it's a special day here at the ranch,let me tell you. Although I will not do my Academy Award speech. I am saving that for another day.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Vintage Shopping: Buyer Beware Edition, Part 3
Condition WoesIn person: Look the garment over very thoroughly . Hold it up to light to see if there are any holes. If the shop is dark, take it to a window to check the armpits and shoulders. The two places to always check are the shoulders for fading and the armpits for stains. These are the most likely areas for problems. If the shop is both dark and has no windows then take the item to the
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Vintage Shopping: Buyer Beware Edition, Part 2
Secret AlterationsThese are sneaky. Now let me be very, very, very clear. I am not talking about legitimate repairs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with securing loose buttons, sewing popped seams, re-securing loose trim, or stitching a loose hem. You actually should pay more for a vintage dress that is in ready to wear condition.It’s the things that are hidden that I am getting at. Alters and
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Vintage Shopping: Buyer Beware Edition, Part 1
In 30 years of buying vintage clothing, I have painfully found a number of the pitfalls. Let me share them with you, the dedicated buyer, and perhaps you will avoid some of the pain.DatesWhile clothing is actually quite hard to reproduce well enough to actually pass as Vintage or Antique, there is nonetheless a lot of misdated fashion in shops and stores, both brick and mortar and online. Ebay,
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Before &After - Warning- A Non Vintage Post!
I hereby claim the blogger's prerogative to wander off topic.Many people have written far better then I ever will about the benefits and joys of gardening.They go on and on. The fresh air, the satifaction of growing plants, the exercise. The fun of getting your hands dirty in the soil. Then there's the personal growth section. Peace of mind. And patience. And humility. Just try to make the sun
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
About Mr. Mort
I found this elegant little black dress one day in an unlikely spot. I also found a wool Thierry Mugler suit there, too. I won't tell where. Everything else was polyester. So you can imagine my delight when I actually felt good quality rayon tissue faille in my hands as I worked my way down the aisles. Then, I saw the metal zipper. Oh, good. Then the wrist zippers - another good. Then a label!
Friday, 5 June 2009
A Bouquet of Davidow
I do the colors of Davidow suits. In a world where tweed generally connotates drab or subtle to the point of boredom, these tweeds are so wonderfully vibrant. Spring suits. Spring Coats. Remember those? All I see now are rain coats and trenchs.I wrote this brief blurb for the Label Resource:"Founded in the late 19th Century, the William H. Davidow and Sons company
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Oh, to have SZ 7 1/2 Feet
I found four pair of wonderful 1950s stilettos. Here's the most recent pair added to 1950s De Liso Debs in navy blue doeskin. Oh to have sz 7 1/2 feet again. But I was about 12 years old when I passed that size, and I seriously doubt my mother would have bought pointy toe stilettos for me to wear to grade school. Or anywhere else for that matter. It's the line that is so
Sunday, 31 May 2009
New Today at Rudi Gernreich Maxi Dress
New today:ca Fall 1973 knit maxi dress from the mad master Rudi Gernreich in black polyester and black wool knit. It's an astounding combination of colors, patterns and motifs, even given that it's a Rudi Gernreich and from the 1970s. The full flared and gathered skirt is a heavy weight black wool knit with huge wool knit machine appliques. The top is a T shape mock turtle in black poly. Labeled
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Designer du Jour: Edith Small
While there were certainly California designers and manufacturers in the 1940s and 1950s who achieved a both national following in their day and the status of Major American Designer ( Adrian, Irene, Galanos, Howard Greer, etc), there were many who, while highly respected in their working years, have faded from view almost completely. Edith Small was well known in her day, receiving East as well
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
New Menswear Additions to Past Perfect
Oh yes, we have added a few new things to Past Perfect Vintage: The Etsy division. This our place to make available tot he public some of the affordable and wearable vintage garments we find along the road. And a it's a braider venue for wearble Vintage Menswear than our main site, Just another friendly venue from the fine folks here are Past Perfect. Here's a sample:
Monday, 11 May 2009
An Ode to Department Stores
The local department store has gone the way of the dodo for most of us. And it's a shame, too. Yes, yes, I know the mall experience made obsolete a store that had every possible department, a restaurant and hair salon. Why would you go to just one store, when you could visit dozens? And yet that was alot to be said for locally owned clothing stores that had alterations departments, had their own
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Those Summertime Dresses
I have done a number of Decade du Jour posts, but haven’t tackled the 50s. It’s just too daunting. There’s high fashion, American Ready -to Wear, European fashion, American sportswear, teenage styles, menswear, movies, Television, The New Look, all those Dior Alphabet Lines, Arggggh! It’s just too much. It’s a master thesis. Been there, done that. It all gives this girl a headache. Many decades
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Designer du Jour: Ben Reig
I have just found my third Ben Reig dress in the last few hunts. This seems to happen to me. I never see a label, then I see it a lot. And then, never again. It’s VERY odd. But I have learned to roll with it. I am starting to enjoy the sequence of events actually. I never know what it will be.So to commemorate the latest finds, here’s a bit about Ben Reig and some of what is out there from this
Thursday, 30 April 2009
The Return of 20s at Past Perfect Vintage!
Oh yes - the 20s are back here at Past Perfect Vintage! Not that the Jazz Age is ever terribly far from our thoughts. It's an era of which I am very fond. Maybe it's the complete break with the Edwardian Era and the Teens. And yet I am a traditionalist. Maybe it's the combination of very simple clothing shapes with intricate beading and embroidery. And yet I am a huge fan of complex tailoring.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
The Vacation Ends = Coming Soon!
Yes, when I post the vacation has ended it means we have new inventory coming very soon to Past Perfect Vintage. We are getting lots of delicious vintage fashion and accessories ready, from 1920s opera coats to 1950s designer dresses and Victorian hair combs. We even have 2 beaded bags.So without further ado, let's take a sneak peek at what is coming: 1950s Tangerine pique dress and sleeveless
Monday, 13 April 2009
In Your Easter Bonnet
Little did I know, but there is still an Easter Parade in Manhattan. Finding that out this morning made my day. Made me want to start getting my 2010 Easter ensemble together and working up a parade here at home. Alright, it would be me strolling down an empty sidewalk, but a girl can dream, can't she? Now most of the hats that made the newsphotos are of the Truly Silly Hats variety. Not unlike
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Vintage Wedding Dresses Wanted!
ca 1912 Wedding Dress in silk and lace from our archivesThe Victoria and Albert Museum in London, home to a fabulous costume collection, has a brand new and marvelous Web Project. And they have asked us to help! In the tiny, lonely niche of vintage fashion blogging, this is Big Time. They have just opened a website on wedding fashion where people can upload wedding photographs from 1840 to the
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Leslie Hindman Vintage Clothing Auction
There really aren't that many auctions geared specifically to vintage clothing and fashion, especailly west of the Alleghenies. So if you can, you may want to get to Chicago soon for the Leslie Hindman Vintage Couture and Accessories Auction April 19th. We can't make it this time, but we have attended this in the past. It's well run, with full color catalog, a well lit preview with lots of time
Sunday, 29 March 2009
I Require Flowers
Yesterday was just warm enough to feel spring will get here. Today is a cold,grey drizzley day. Although there are daffodils and croci out and they help, it is not enough. I require flowers and green leaves right now. I can't garden yet - too muddy. I have 50 perennials in the vegetable garden that need to move to a new bed, plus irises and daylilies that are waiting to move. And I have a garden
Monday, 23 March 2009
Baby's Got 2 New Pair of Shoes
I''ve had to take a bit of a break here from blogging. Life is like that.But I am are back with 2 new pair of shoes - both 1950s, both stylish, both well made, both 'good' brand shoes and both pair are sz 7 1/2. It's a darn shame I wear an 8. And spend my time standing on concrete floors, or weeding a garden, or walking at the Y. In other words, I have no place in my life for stilettos. Life is
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Vintage Shops We Reccommend, Part 2
May I reccommend a shop we found a couple weeks ago?Street Scene in Lexington , Ky. They are about a year old, and a very nicely done shop. Attracive, well lit, and spacious. They carry a good selection of reasonably priced women's and men's vintage clothing and accessories, ca 1940s - 1970s along with a small selection of reproduction 50s. I did rather covet a Pucci purse in the jewelry case.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
The Main Man
The Main Man did suits. I am quite positive he would object strenuously to being called anything as pedestrian and slangy as The Main Man. Nonetheless, here we are. I have had this 1950s Mainbocher suit quite some time. It's a nubby silk with lots of handfinishing. The jacet has almost a cardigan effect with bias strips that form a placket , keyhole buttonholes and large buttons. The skirt has a
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Spring Fever
I am getting spring fever just a tad. It snowed a little yesterday and it's still in the 30s. I am ready to see daffodils and croci. But they have just started to poke their little green leaves out. And there's still an awful lot of ice storm damage. It's Dreary. It's Cold. It's Muddy.So until the weather warms up, I will have to make do with looking at this dress. If this doesn't cry out Summer
Friday, 27 February 2009
Everyone Needs 1890s Glamour
I seem drawn to transitional styles. You can also call them cuspers. Those periods in between the big fashion movements, as one silhoette morphs into another. The late 40s into 50s, the 20s into 30s, the 1870s into 1880s. And then there's the 1880s bustle as it segues into the Gay 1890s leg o' mutton.For example, this dress and hat we have just added to our website. The fabrics are a rich
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Part One: Vintage clothing Shops We Recommend
In the Vintage Clothing trade, these are called Brick and Mortar Shops. These are the dedicated people who put an awning out, stock a physical shop, hire help, pay rent and insurance, and actually show up every day to meet and greet the general public. As an online seller, they have my utmost respect. I can work in my jammies and robe, work whatever hours I choose, take a TV break, play the odd
Monday, 16 February 2009
Something Old, Something Blue: The Vintage Wedding Choice
Look, we know there are so many ways a bride can go these days. Big gowns, sexy satins, strapless with pearls and lace, day dresses, suits, wild and wacky couture - it’s all available.Now, vintage dresses have that full range of style as well. Plus, they have a good karma, great style, AND the bride will have a truly unique dress at a fraction of the price one would pay a custom dressmaker. Thus
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Oscar's Coming - Get Ready!
The attack of the awards shows has been in progress now for a bit. Way too many young women in big gowns have gone by. Many in the same strapless dress fitted to within an inch of their lives and dragging a huge train behind them . My reaction ? I took a cruise through some favorite websites and found these Vintage Fashion alternatives.So if you are invited to an award show party, or better yet -
Thursday, 5 February 2009
If Only It Fit Me #5
I am afraid this may be the endless series! Poking about the internet, looking at 1940s suits . I have no occasion to wear them, they don't hold up well to kneeling on the floor fitting dancers, doing yardwork, taking photos. But I do love fine tailoring. I want to wear one of these and look like Rosalind Russell. Alas, that option is no longer available. And then I found this one at Damn Good
Monday, 2 February 2009
Combs, Combs, Combs
The gals of the Victorian and Edwardian eras sure loved their hair accessories. They must not have felt dressed unless they had a doodad in their coiffure, because an awful lot of these decorative hair combs and pins have survived. Far rarer are the bandeaus and tiaras. By far the greatest number of combs found today are celluloid in a wide variety of colors. Sometimes the celluloid is treated to
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Ice Storm!
We have had 4 days of ice storm and no power. You can cook on a wood stove and heat enough water for bath there. And we could get out. The clean-up will take weeks, but will replace some of the firewood we burned!Now we are back to normal. Warm, toasty, hot water, food, all the good stuff. It's Very nice.Today's Vintage Fashion feature?This 1990s Magenta and pink silk satin ball gown by Bill
1990s dresses,
Monday, 26 January 2009
Featured Vintage: Adolfo and Flowers
Today's featured vintage find from Past Perfect Vintage is brand new on the website. This neat, neat, neat c. 1970 silk satin print skirt and blouse set is by Adolfo with beautiful blue flowers, dirndl skirt with tucks all round the waist and fur! cuffs. It's very well made, top quality, with a full taffeta skirt lining and self covered buttons. And it has the original Saks price (over $1000)
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
A First Lady A Day: Michelle Obama!
from,I have avoided all other posts and assessments so far. So here is my own response.The coat and sheath dress by Isabel Toledo. Wonderful color, bright and fresh and popped beautifully in both single and crowd shots. It was great on the screen, unique to the First Lady, and I loved that. Great lace texture and the gold shimmer gave it life. I thought it worked well in going
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
A First Lady a Day: Harriet Lane
The 2009 Inaugural Balls have started! So this installment will be brief. Harriet Lane was the 27 year old niece and ward of bachelor President James Buchanan. They had a rather good partnership, and she was highly thought of in the European capitials from his time there as an Ambassador. Harriet served as his offical hostess from 1857 - 1861. She was accomplished and polished beyond her years,
Sunday, 18 January 2009
A First Lady A Day: Hillary
It has been fascinating to take a look back at Hillary Clinton’s inaugural gowns from the 1990s. I have gotten so used to the visual of her in tailored business pantsuits that it was a treat to see her 1993 and 1997 gowns again. There is a fascinating parallel between Mrs. Clinton’s and Mrs. Laura Bush’s Inaugural gown experiences. Both chose lesser known designers for their first gown and were
Friday, 16 January 2009
A First Lady A Day: Wilson, Roosevelt, Cleveland
from the Smithsonian Institute Research Information Service : “View of First Ladies Hall in the Arts and Industries Building, 1955, showing gowns of, left to right: Edith Bolling Wilson, Ellen Axson Wilson, Helen Herron Taft, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, Ida Saxton McKinley, and Frances Folsom Cleveland...” As I have said before, the Smithsonian Institute Research Information Service Archives are a
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
A First Lady A Day: Nancy
Well. Certainly a gal who loved her clothes. She generally dressed well for her figure, although more Hollywood than most First Ladies or political figures’ wives, that is for sure. She did love her red and her white.That said - let’s do The Dresses. Okay, she went for the white beaded column look both times. Both dresses are by James Galanos. She didn’t pay for the first one - it was a ‘loaner’
Monday, 12 January 2009
A First Lady A Day : Nixon/Johnson/Truman Update
It’s only the 12th, and we have plenty of time until Jan. 20th, so thanks to the help of Vintage Fashion Guild members, I have full length photos of some of our MIA Inaugural dresses. from Bess Truman 1949, Gala Dress. we saw this beofre, but it was a half length shot. I know that Time credits it as the Inaugural Ball gown, but the Truman Library says it's the Gala, and I am going
Saturday, 10 January 2009
A First Lady A Day : Barbara Bush, 1989
You will have noticed I am not doing mini bios on the more recent First Ladies. You know who they are. You may well remember what they wore.I must say that Barbara Bush successfully presented herself as a soft, grandmotherly figure. I suspect there is a lot more steel in there than my grandmothers had, but hey. She was smart not to try to glamorize her look. The white hair, the fuller figure, the
Thursday, 8 January 2009
A First Lady a Day: Crete, 1881
Lucretia Rudolph Garfield definitely wins the Best Nickname of any American First Lady Award. Crete. I think that’s cool. A Very interesting woman. She was well educated, studying French, Greek and Latin languages and classical, British and French literature. She was an independent woman , a teacher and an intellectual. Crete was also a fine hostess, although not at all interested in publicity.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
A First Lady a Day: Laura Bush
Lizzie, our cohort in vintage fashion blogdom, gave us a shout out on her wonderful ( and top rated) blog, The Vintage Traveler the other day. She mentioned that we had not yet covered Laura Bush's inaugural gowns. Well, let’s have at it shall we? from up is the 2001 red lace Michael Faircloth gown. This is the most flattering photo I
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Rainy,Grey Tuesday and Mollie Parnis
We just can't be fair to the remaining First Ladies on a grey, rainy, dreary, cold January day.So in a tangential feature to our First Ladies A Day series, here’s 3 Mollie Parnis dress and coat sets we have at available. Don’t they look warm and chic on a January day? Yes, indeed they do. What’s the Mollie Parnis and First Lady connection, you ask? She probably dressed more First Ladies than any
Monday, 5 January 2009
A First Lady a Day: Julia Dent Grant
from Library of Congress description: "Grant, Mrs. U.S. and son (Jesse) and daughter (Nellie) also her father Mr. Dent" photo by Mathew Brady or Levin Handy, ca 1865 - 1869.After Ida McKinley, we need a Happy story. Julia loved being First Lady. She loved the White House. But she was always adaptable. She traveled to army camps, she moved to Illinois, she switched from Army
Sunday, 4 January 2009
A First Lady a Day: Ida McKinley, 1897 & 1901
This is a sad story. Poor Ida. She had a very difficult time of it. Her childhood and younger years were fine. But she lost both her children and her mother within in few years, and after that - she seems to have become very delicate both emotionally and physically. It is thought now that she had phlebitis and epilepsy. She certainly had seizures, some of them in public. She spent her days as a
Friday, 2 January 2009
A First Lady a Day: Bess
Bess Truman was an intensely private woman. She has seen what the press could do. And she was having none of it. She had no intentions of being an activist First Lady like Eleanor Roosevelt. That was one hard act to follow. Bess was an active partner in Harry Truman’s career, she supported him in 1948 when no one thought he could win, she was a shrewd judge of character, and she even helped write
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