Tuesday, 28 December 2010

A Trio of Hats

I bring you a Trio of Hats in Black and Cream with a theme of three. Three decades,three materials, three silhouettes. Its a bit of a no brainer, but the best I can do with the post-Christmas cold. First up, a Teens Mourning Bonnet in black silk crepe with jet trim and ostrich tips. Not a cheerful hat, but a stylish one. Second, a 1950s cream wide-brimmed summer straw with navy velvet ribbon

Monday, 27 December 2010

It's All About Wool and Cashmere

I am one those those tragically unlucky souls who is allergic to wool. Even cashmere can be a no go. It's a loss, I must tell you. Wool is warm. It tailors beautifully. It wears like iron. It cleans well. It can be handwashed, and even vintage wool garments will tolerate dry-cleaning far later in their lifespan than any other fiber.Every winter, I cast longing eyes at vintage wool sweaters and

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Are You Ready for New Shoes?

Are you ready for some new shoes? Even if you aren't, these are mighty fine shoe eye candy. We were lucky enough to acquire 9 pair of great shoes form one estate. And please , please believe me, these were the tip of the iceberg. I have never seen so many pairs of shoes at an estate auction in the 20 years I have been purchasing for sale. This lady was the Imelda Marcos of Northern Kentucky. I

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Jacques Fath & Norman Norell are Here!

They are here! Well, I guess it's better to say they are there! In other words, the Jacques Fath and the Norman Norell dresses are up at Past Perfect Vintage. These are from the same source, and my, wouldn't we all like to see what else was in that closet? Oh yes, we would.Now I have mentioned Norman Norell quite a bit lately. He and Fath make quite a contrast. Norell was as American as they

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Norell - Dressing the First Lady All These Years Later

Just last week I was waxing on about Norman Norell. What can I say? I was one week ahead of the times. It's not often you can actually count the days you are ahead of the trend. And since I am usually a least a few, well I won't use time measurements, let's just say I am not often in this position. And this black lace dress the First Lady is wearing is one of the prettiest Norell lace dresses

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

At Long Last:: Tres Parisien, Part 4

At long last, but worth waiting for, I bring you part 4 of the Tres Parisien pochoirs. Don't worry, they have only gotten a little older and they are still adorable. I treasure an unrealistic vision of all these framed up some day. I have only had this vision since 1990. Like world peace, a really good pizza with low calories, and the ability to sing, it will have to be another dream currently

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Norells We Have Known

I must admit that I have a soft spot for Norman Norell ( aka Norman Levinson) simply because he was from Indiana. And for a Noblesville, IN boy to make it in American fashion is a pretty neat thing. The more I read on his work, the better I like it, too. The first works I noticed were his wonderful sequin mermaid dresses - amazing gowns that still bring the big bucks on the rare occasion they do

Monday, 6 December 2010

There's A New Newsletter in Vintage Town

I am happy to put the word out that the Vintage Fashion Guild, a fine organization if I may say so, and just made available it's first newsletter to the general public. It's produced by members of the VFG, of which I am one. A member, I mean, not one of the dedicated souls who put the newsletter together. Anyway: Go. Take my keys. Read. Enjoy. There's great stuff on Zipper History, a fab

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Vintage Couture and Accessories Auction in Chicago

For those of you in the Midwest area, a real treat is coming soon. Leslie Hindman Auctioneers will be holding their Vintage Couture and Accessories Auction Dec. 16, 2010. These are really fine auctions with extensive, well lit previews, glossy photo catalogs and a wide range of holdings. This session contains a huge lot from a ' Lady New York City, New York', with tons of Bill Blass, Oscar de

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

A Sucker for Vintage Patterns

I am becoming a sucker for vintage sewing patterns. It's come over me recently. Now, that's odd, because I have been around them for many years. I have been working in costume shops of many varieties since 1978, and we use a lot of vintage patterns that are always somewhere on file. So they have been part of the scenery. I guess I took them for granted. Several years ago, I helped my aunt, an

Saturday, 27 November 2010

New Vintage Dresses - yes, I know that's a contradiction...........

Oh yes, I feel the contradiction every time I mention 'new' vintage clothing. But what else can I say? we have new items up in our Past Perfect Vintage Etsy shop. And they are vintage. So there you have it. The proverbial contradiction in terms. The classic oxymoron. But I will soldier on and show you the goodies:First, a beautiful cream crepe gown c. 1938 - 40 with a zipper front, gold studs

Friday, 26 November 2010

Vintage Spadea Designer Patterns make a Showing!

We just came into a cache of great vintage patterns. And I am such a vintage sewing nerd that I am almost as thrilled as when I found a Fath and a Traina-Norell last week. That's a post for another day. These Spadea patterns are a bit a rare. Well, rare may be a bit strong, but certainly harder to come by than Simplicity. Which we also got a few of. Plus some very nice Vogue patterns. More about

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Two from the 50s: Cardigan & Cape

If I ever own a detective agency, that's what I will call it: Cardigan & Cape, Private Detectives, Our Discretion is Assured. Or perhaps an import business: Cardigan & Cape, Inc., Exotic Silks and Indian Teas. Or maybe a boutique dealing exclusively in outerwear for the damp climate: Cardigan & Cape, Co., Tailors in Fine Woolens. Until then, let us refocus on this colorful late 1950s hand

Monday, 15 November 2010

Baby Needs Even More Pairs of Shoes!

I do recall my father smiling and singing out 'baby need s anew pair of shoes' before raising the bet at the family poker game. It made me laugh then. But now - of course. More Shoes. Sounds perfectly normal. Now if I had inherited my mother's foot size, these would be mine, all mine. But sadly for my life in relation to vintage shoes, she did not. The first pair up - a gorgeous and classic pair

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Edwardian Lovelies

The Edwardian Era has so much appeal. My pet theory is that , while distant to us now in fashion and way of everyday life, we can still relate to it because photography was so popular that many of us have family photos from this era. Depending upon our own ages, these are fashions our grandparents could have worn. Indeed, my own grandmother did. In other words, people I knew well once wore these

Friday, 12 November 2010

Dresses, Dresses, Dresses & Some Are Red

It's time for wool. Even though it was 72 degrees today, as soon as the sun went down, the temps dropped fast and it was very cool. And next week the highs here will be in the low 60s and 50s. I can get out my fall clothes at long last.I must say I am really, truly ready. And I am into wool this year, even though I am allergic to it. Camisoles, T-shirts, turtlenecks - I have vowed I will do

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Now Arrived at Past Perfect!

The new hats are here! The new hats are here! I apologize for the excitement, but it's been a long haul this autumn. And this week has been the pat off. The website is updated, the big new porch will be done tomorrow, and we have achieved our weight loss goal. Like I said, a big, big week. So now we bring you new inventory.Let's start with the hats. First , a great little Sally Victor velvet

Monday, 8 November 2010

Coming Soon to a Vintage Website Near You

It has been the season of catch up here at Past Perfect Vintage. We have spent Volumes of time getting the fall leaves up and building a new porch. A few more studs and some siding, and it would have been another room on the house. All worthwhile endeavors, but they eat up the time. Preparing wonderful vintage clothes for the website has actually felt like playing hooky! When a trip to the

Friday, 29 October 2010

Vintage Jewellry is Out and About!

I just got received a copy of Vintage Jewellry by Caroline Cox, and I am delighted!In all fairness, I must reveal that I received a courtesy copy. Why? because I contributed photos. I am thrilled how many they used and how good they look. In the small world of vintage clothing, this is Very Exciting. It's a lovely book in hard cover with a different take on jewelry, covering fine jewelry,

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Signs of the Times: Frankfort, KY Edition

We spent the day in Frankfort, Ky this past weekend. Yes, the main claim to fame is that it is the capitol of Kentucky. It's also a bourbon distillery area. There are two state capitol buildings- both very impressive in their own way. The old Capitol was built in 1830, the new Capitol in 1910. Yes - we call the 1910 building the 'New' capitol. But what caught my eye was the old downtown area. It

Friday, 15 October 2010

A Pretty New Website Redo @ the Vintage Fashion Guild

There's a pretty new website design at the Vintage Fashion Guild. It's so clean and fresh, just like a repainted house. The many articles and resources are so much easier to access now! In full disclosure, I am a founding and current member of the VFG and did write the bios on Adrian, Howard Greer, Helen Rose, and Irene as well as much of the text for the Fashion Timeline and quite a few

Monday, 11 October 2010

Tres Parisien, Part 3: Just for the Pretty

I admit today's post is a quick one with minimal effort. It's been a bit busy here at the ranch what with building a new porch, vintage clothing shopping and hand washing Irish woolen dresses and a 1930s Burberry's sweater. So without further ado, and just because these are pretty, and you won't be likely to see them elsewhere: Tres Parsien, 1920:

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Signs of The Times: Neon Parking

Here's one for you neon sign lovers. A great big, old sign for a working parking garage in grand working condition. You can see it's on in the close ups. The Starks Building itself, commissioned by John Starks Rodes, has been around at 4th and Muhammed Ali Blvd. since , oh,1913. Juts a youngster of a building. This parking garage dates from 1953 and was an early one in Louisville. It is a huge

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Vintage Accessory Round Up

The last of the new Past Perfect Vintage Clothing website updates, AKA Accessory Round Up. This time we have a hat, a belt and a pair of shoes. That sounds pretty dull. Let's try it this way:A unique 1950s silk toque covered with multi-colored leather flowers from a Louisville studio. A fabulous 1920s black glass bugle beaded belt with roundels and asymmetric tassels.A pair of sharp 1950s

Monday, 27 September 2010

The Suits of September

It has finally(!) cooled off here after a record high in the 90s on the first day of autumn. I can look at vintage wool and think about wearing it at long, long last. This summer was good, but it was very hot and it went on a very long time. And I feel so much more season appropriate with my vintage inventory update posts now that the weather has cooled. So today it's Vintage Suits in September

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Tres Parisien, part 2

For our second installment of eye candy plates from Tres Parisien, we bring you a charming blue floral dress named 'Pompadour', a white evening dress 'Passe-Partout' and a bright red plaid coat 'Sportive'. My limited research suggests this publication started in 1920s, but these certainly look more 1919 styles, especially 'Passe-Partout'. Am I crazy?

Friday, 24 September 2010

A 50s Assortment

Day 2 of our September Updates at Past Perfect Vintage, and it's a 1950s assortment pack. We have a red rose print in silk from Tabak of California, a royal blue and white hand embroidered Chinese made robe from the post war years, a navy blue silk Oleg Cassini dress with ecru frog details and a black silk Anne Fogarty cocktail sheath dress. Silk, Flowers and Frogs! There was a theme, I knew

Thursday, 23 September 2010

New at Past Perfect: 1860s Waist, Teens Beaded Tunic & Brocade Stilettos

We have just posted up 17 new additions to Past Perfect Vintage, and they are selling fast. So take a look quickly while you can! We will feature more in the coming days:beautiful Anne Fogarty and Oleg Cassini dresses, Davidow and Handmacher suits and more shoes. 1950s Eye-catching Brocade De Liso Debs with original box in a sz 9!Glorious c. 1910 Edwardian Beaded Net Tunic or Overdress 1860s

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Signs of the Times: Levy Bros and Spaghetti

Levy Bros. was a long time Louisville department store and institution founded by Henry and Moses Levy, who opened their store in 1861 at the NE corner of 3rd St. and Market in a corner room of a 4 story building. They prospered during the Civil War as suppliers became the nation's largest supplier of Confederate for reunions and encampments. In 1889, they purchased the land and started

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Tres Parisien : La Mode, Le Chic, L'Elegance

I introduce you to one of my treasures. I have two sets of these Tres Parisiens, vol 1 and vol 2 with loads of plates. These sets of tissue paper pochoirs ( the process involves hand place color, stencils and lithograhs) date from 1920 - 1936, so I presume these are from the first year. Some are credited to a specific couture house, others are given a name. Some of the cations are actually about

Monday, 13 September 2010

Salute the Suits!

It's September. That means it is time to think abut wool suits. I don't care that it was 89 degrees today. It's time. Fashion Week is showing Spring lines. Is that not crazy? I haven't bought my fall and winter clothes yet. I've barely looked for them. The real world is a topsy turvy place. But as I only dip my toe in occasionally, I can handle it in short bursts.So let's review what we have in

Monday, 6 September 2010

Signs of the Times: The OK Corral

If you have driven in downtown Louisville, you know this sign. As in, 'turn right at the OK Storage Building'. It's very large and quite the landmark at the intersection of E. Broadway and Barret as Broadway leaves 'downtown' and heads into the Original Highlands toward Bardstown Rd. Or at least it was until it was covered up by a temporary vinyl banner.There's more under the Kindred Hospital

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Vintage Shoes Can Be Comfortable. Really.

Don't let anyone tell you vintage shoes can't be comfortable and wearable. Well, pointy toe stilettos excepted. Those aren't comfortable if they are 1950s, 1990s or 2010s. You just have to hunt a bit. And these 4 pair are proof. Our Test Team tried them all on and pronounced them surprisingly comfy. Our Test Team regretted they are sized 8 1/2 to 9 as said Team member wears an 8. Myself, I'd

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Let's Talk Vintage Coats

Two of the biggest, and most frequently mentioned, selling points for vintage clothing are the quality and the style the buyer gets for the price point. Nowhere is this more evident in coats and suits. The woolen available today just don't compare nor does the quality of the tailored construction. And now is the time get a vintage fall or winter coat. Most sellers find the prime time to offer

Monday, 30 August 2010

Signs of the Times: Bags and Burlap

This Ohio Vally Bag And Burlap Sign is on Preston St. and they have been around since the 1920s. The company, now doing business as Ovasco Industries, is still in business at 1475 S. 15th St. I had to drive back into town to get the shot before the vine leafed out. Once it was fully out, the paint was completely covered. I am happy to say that since I took these photos, the vine has been removed

Friday, 27 August 2010

Grab Your Hat and Purse

It's grab your hat and purse day here. There's black hats from good makers and and there's yellow and aqua. We have sophisticated ladies Borsalino fur felt from Italy, a 1940s beaded felt hat with grand pearls and rhinestones from important milliner G. Howard Hodge of Fifth Ave., a brilliant yellow felt hat with unusual navy and red velvet accents, and a glorious aqua blue velvet Emilio Pucci box

Thursday, 26 August 2010

August Additions: The Last Fling of Summer

It has been a summer of record heat. Fortunately, no drought as of yet, but my goodness, the heat and humidity. And in the Ohio River Valley, it takes a lot of humidity for us to even notice it. August is the time to start showing the Fall and Winter woolens, which we did - more on those tomorrow- but with this heat I decided I had to add these summer pieces. There's still time to wear them here

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Fresh August Vintage - The 20s & 30s

There's more fresh August Vintage at Past Perfect Vintage Clothing. And all from that wonderful Southern Indiana collection. May I just take a moment and thank the sentimental keepers and savers of the world? Without them, there wouldn't be........well, it just doesn't bear thinking about. Sadness would reign. And these garments were kept well. No attics, or basements or costume dress up parties

Monday, 23 August 2010

Fresh Edwardian Vintage Fashion

Pretty things have shown up at Past Perfect Vintage this month. First up , we have 3 lovely Edwardian pieces from a Southern Indiana estate. Oh yes, the rare and special Fresh From the Closet Fashions! It was a wonderful shopping day, and we will have so much more to show you this week: 1940s bathing suit, Pucci purse and the first of the winter coats. But these finds made my day.c. 1914 Camel

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

My Second New Vintage Jacket - 1940s Gab!

I am losing weight. A lot of weight. And on purpose. I have sent so much clothing to consignment and thrifts, my closet and dresser are almost empty.So as I redo my personal wardrobe, the goal is to go Vintage and Green. The plan is to stick to vintage when I can, then consignment, then thrift. Then for new clothes, locally owned shops, of which there are still a few. The mall is the last resort,

Monday, 16 August 2010

Signs of the Times: Murphy Elevator Co.

Today's sign theme? Elevators. The Murphy Elevator Co.with passenger and freight elevators. It's a big neon strip sign at 128 E. Main St. Hard to miss and something of a landmark , at least to me. And yes - they are still there and in business! Since 1932, I am happy to say. I don't get to write that often on these posts. I am fond of the gilt on glass window sign, too. This style needs to make

Friday, 13 August 2010

New Doings at Past Perfect

We have been busy. First, we had a sale at our Etsy store,then a Summer Sale at PastPerfectVintage.com. Then a private 'to the trade' sale, and then a local sale!! Goodness, we have been having inventory clearance. Why all the sales? Because new inventory is coming! Very, very soon. As soon as Mr. Past Perfect finishes a major linking project on the main website. And we do not hurry Mr. Past

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Sports Shorts, 1942

Just a bit of war propaganda for the youth, 1942 version, put out by Stewart's Dry Goods. Mixed with a chaser of baseball news and trivia, Hollywood special effects trivia, Glenn Miller bio, contest, and, I kid you not, How to Tango. Plus fashion news. Some things do not change: baseball, trivia, the fascination with movie making, but some things definitely do. All I can say is that if a 13 year

Friday, 6 August 2010

Signs of the Times: Grain and Whiskey

This one's a bit hard to see. The trees were coming out and I was on my way home from work. The top sign? Hay, grain and feed. The bottom sign ? Old Charter Whiskey. And what do they make whiskey out of? Grain. Always a treat to find a moment of appropriate juxataposition. This stretch of Market Street is seeing some renovations. I do hope they leave these two signs so residents will know it

Saturday, 31 July 2010

The Vintage 'Voice'

A true collector of vintage clothing remembers the circumstances around every find. Where the dress was found, why that was special, the odds against finding anything, funny coincidences, all the odd details. Well, for those of us who moved into selling from collecting, that is still true. And the longer we hunt for these pieces, the more we learn to listen to the inner Voice that says - Go There

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

The 5th Annual Past Perfect Vintage Summer Sale!

Announcing: The 5th Annual Past Perfect VintageSummer Sale!We have marked down some 60 items at pastperfectvintage.com for our annual inventory clearance. There are great buys on everything from Summer Dresses to Fall and Winter Suits. There are sale prices in all categories, from Victorian to Vintage Designer, and Hats to Fans and Combs. This is a once a year opportunity at Past Perfect Vintage

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Signs of the Times: Furniture & Pool Hall

These two sit next to each other on East Market St. What I still think of as the way to Baer's Fabrics, but Baer's is no more. Don't get me started on the loss of Baer's. That's another post. So now it's the way to the Ballet if I am coming from the west.Greene Furniture is an over paint, and it's not the most recent business in that structure by a long shot. I believe this was Riney Bedding

Sunday, 25 July 2010

The Annual Past Perfect Vintage at Etsy Summer Sale!

The Annual Past Perfect Vintage Clothing Summer sale starts now on Etsy! 50% off sounds good, doesn't it? Oh yes - we do this every year. And it starts now. First up - all vintage clothing ad accessories at our etsy site are listed at 50% off. Vintage Sewing Pattern markdowns will follow tonight! Here's where the action is:

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Vintage Display At Bergdorf's - yes!

Ang of Dorothea's Closet passed this link along through the Vintage Fashion Guild- it's fabulous. The July windows at Bergdorf's contained 6 years worth of collected vintage mannequins and display pieces. It's just fantastic. And makes me wish more retail venues would put effort and design into their displays, rather than the ubiquitous Six Headless Dress Forms in a Straight Row Facing the Front

Friday, 23 July 2010

More 1916 Hats

I have a number of these pages scanned, but think I will just post these 2 more. The variety of styles is fun - width emphasizing wide brim, gaucho style hats with shallow crowns, sheer floppy brimmed summer hats in what I assume is organdy or lace, height emphasizing architectural toques, and tiny brimmed round crown hats that sure look like precursors to the styles of the 1930s. The wide brims

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

The Vintage Designer Assortment Pack

We have been adding to inventory to Past Perfect Vintage for July. And this is our Vintage Designer Assortment Pack. Three American companies, one French. All designer ready-to-wear. Two 1970s, two 1980s. One day wear set, three cocktail sets. Try to find a common theme. Please try. Comment if you see one. I don't see a theme I can wax on about. Other than all vintage, all well made, all

Monday, 19 July 2010

Signs of the Times: Pianos

This is the sign that piqued my interest. I drove past this every evening on my way home from work on a free lance job downtown. I wondered: Whose Pianos? How many times was this over painted, only to have the original paint come through? And what did P.P.X.L. mean? And how long ago was advertising so simple that just stating the product type was enough? Or that pianos were advertised this way?

Friday, 16 July 2010

Vintage 1916 Louisville Hats

I adore old Fashion catalogs. I want to call the phone number and order every time. This one makes me by want to stop the show room and try a few hats on. I can even find a few things to order in my 1970s Sears catalog, although it's mostly in the housewares section. And that 1923 dress catalog on the bookshelf with the Paris fashions? I die.The flip side it I get frustrated when I go through

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Pretty Designer Dresses, 1950s edition

Today's post is eye candy. We have two pretty 1950s cocktail dresses new to Past Perfect Vintage, and it's time to share them here. The first is a striking black silk by the California designer Dorothy O'Hara. The neckline is where this dress shines. It's an unusual cut with nude marquisette yoke to show the shoulder and an inset of backed marquisette to echo the V of the neckline. The back yoke

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Signs of the times: Plumbing since 1872

Since 1872!I find several things appealing about this painted sign. First they list so many services, including coal stokers. I like the way the text is placed between the windows. And then: The Hand. With a cuff and cufflink, to boot. And a bonus - this company is still in business after 128 years! This sign has been here quite a while. According to the Schardein website, this store on 6th St.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Vintage Shoes, Pretty Shoes

Vintage Shoes are a fine thing. Pretty toes, lovely heels. No claw feet here. Or 6" heels. Or 3" platforms that will break an ankle. Nope. No fashionable 'angry' shoes here. As a petite, okay, short, adult, I see the advantage of a platform, and indeed wore my share in the 70s. But I must admit,now that I accept my height, even an 1" platform looks like denial on the hoof. Everyone can see it.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Signs of the Times: Coffee and Coca-Cola

Today's sign theme is beverages. First up - a huge cup of coffee on the side of a high rise on Chestnut St. near 4th. The script is sadly illegible, but the appeal of a steaming cup of coffee in a china cup and saucer is still there. Just off to the side you can see the window frames for a sense of scale. Given the location in the central business district, I amazed this hasn't been painted over.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Vintage Patterns - cool stuff

Just a quickie tonight - it's got way late, way fast. Watering plants at 9:45 in the dark will do that. And it's way too late to attempt something clever. The brain just wants a snack and bedtime. So just a quick notice that we have started posting up 26 vintage patterns from the mid 1950s to 1960s, mostly McCall's and Simplicity, with a couple nice Vogues and Advances each. So keep an eye out at

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Beat the Heat: Artic Ice Sign

It's a scorcher out there today. I am so glad to be writing from the relative cool of the country. I imagine it's pretty sweltering downtown on the pavements. This sign reminds me of the relief a large walk-in freezer can bring on the kind of sticky, humid day as only the Ohio Valley can provide.This painted sign is not as old as some, but has still been there quite awhile. It was old in the

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Jo Copeland and the New Mannequin

We acquired this lovely dress by Patullo-Jo Copeland several months ago. But it just didn't look right on my old Teens dress form. Or the size 34 bust Wolfe dressmaking form. Or the size 32 bust white display form. The age old Vintage Dealer Dilemma: lovely dress, no form to show it off. So she has languished a bit.I finally summed the courage, really energy, and started the hunt to replace Miss

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Elevators and Washing Machines

I started taking photos of various signs in downtown Louisville because so many of these older were disappearing. These painted signs on the side and back walls of the brick buildings are very vulnerable. Even more so than the old neon signs, which can be salvaged. And as these commercial and industrial buildings are rehabbed, they are often painted, and the signs are lost. Or worse, as

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Old, Old Combs

In order of age: First, a horn comb. These combs are an early American treasure. They date 1800-1830s, and were hand made, sawed out of pressed and clarified steer horn. They are often plain and sometimes stained dark to imitate tortoiseshell. The shape is always similar - a large comb with a wide band and many, many teeth. Occasionally, like this one, they were dyed with stains in a decorative

Friday, 25 June 2010

The Morrissey Garage Sign

I understand that the c. 1919 Morrissey Garage on 3rd St. is one of, if not the, oldest parking garage in Louisville. It certainly looks like it is was planned for older, narrower cars. It is located right next to the old Falls City Theatrical Equipment Co. Since that was originally a theatre, I can see how this was a good location. Both buildings are empty and endangered. I have no idea how

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Two Very Disparate 1940s Prints

I racked my brain trying to see what these two garments might have in common. Womenswear? 1940s? Check. Print? Check. Floral? Check. And that is as far as I could get. It's like that some days. The brain won't go as far down a road as one might wish. The dress:Late 1940s rayon with shoulder pads and over skirt in a autumn toned tropical print. Very much a good dress to wear with hat, gloves, big

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Neon Signs - Bridges- Smith

Another downtown Louisville business closed. This time it's Bridges-Smith Paint on Main. I swear, all that will be left downtown soon are high rises, hospitals, restaurants and bars. Yesterday, a local auction house sold off the stock and contents of Bridges and Smith. So here is a photo I took last year of their great sign in tribute.Bridges Smith & Co. Paints Since 1875, 118 - 122 E. Main St.

Monday, 21 June 2010

A Contrast in 50s

As frequent readers know, this is not an authoritative blog on vintage clothing. It's not even a terribly well organized look at past fashions. This is a blog for pretty and/or interesting garments, a few observations, the odd whimsy. Whatever strikes the author on a given day. In that vein, the contrast between these two dresses made me muse a bit today.Item the First: Earylish 1950s black

Saturday, 19 June 2010

A Tale of Two Dresses

The Tale:Both dresses are a lightweight silk chiffon in a lovely blue and green watercolor floral print over blue crepe lining.The skirts are circular and were either made as handerchief hems or have hung out identically.The dress on the left was my mother's in the 50s. I always thought it was from 1952 - 54, or before she married. There is no label. With the birth of two children, I doubt she

Friday, 18 June 2010

A Potpourri of Vintage Accessories

The range of vintage accessories out there is overwhelming. Shoes, hats, purses, gloves, scarves......and then there's the menswear. The great thing about accessories is that if you are into vintage or like the unique, but have trouble with fit or work in a non-vintage friendly environment, accessories are still available to you. Vintage purses, shoes or scarves mix beautifully with modern

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Signs of the Times: Neon

This is part of my small photo project capturing old painted and neon signs in downtown. I took this one yesterday from the top of the Starks Parking garage. We used to purchase from the old Falls City Theatre Equipment Co. at 429 S. 3rd Street back in my days at the university. They haven't been out of business all that long, really. The building itself is quite old - I read recently it was an

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

It's Right Here in Black & White: The 30s

We just added three1930s items to the website. And my, my, how it is getting to find interesting things from this era. I grant you, many dresses from this era can be matronly and drab. It wasn't the happiest time. They don't call it: The Great Depression: Return of the Smile! But , man there were still some stunning fashion trends going on. The sleek lines are grand.And it must be serendipity

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Pretty Girls all in a Row

I have always been struck by plaster millinery display heads. It's the glamour. Clearly these were sculpted and painted to be a version of the current fashion ideal. I am struck by the stylization. The closet thing out there today are wig heads, which are composite and of course have to be bald. It's just not the same. These are 4 of my 6 display heads. The other 2? A 1950s dark brunette, very

Monday, 14 June 2010

For the Fans of Vintage Hats

The conventional perception is that we don't wear hats anymore, although that isn't really true is it? We just don't wear pretty, fashionable hats. Baseball caps, visored work caps, stocking caps, western cowboy hats; these are still immensely popular. It's the pretty fashion hats that are hard to come by. Two exceptions are the church hats and Kentucky Derby hats, but those are very specific

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Real Flowers, Real Garden

There's new vintage on the website, the house is clean, we have visited Tennessee with friends, the garden is weeded. Even the peas and beans are picked from the garden. Today was a Take a Break Day. Don't worry - I'll start posting about the new vintage pieces at Past Perfect Vintage tomorrow.But for today, a few photos of the buddleias, snapdragons and daylilies. The snap dragons are almost

Friday, 28 May 2010

Vintage Shops We Reccommend , part 4

This week we got to take a day and drive Indiana looking for vintage. I won't divulge everywhere we went - some secrets must stay kept. But we found a shop we had never been in, IndySwank at Fountain Square in Indianapolis. I was looking for an antique shop that used to carry a lot of vintage, but it was gone. Out of business. But I found this one instead. Further proof we may not find what we

Monday, 24 May 2010

My New ( but Vintage as always) Jacket

If you have tread this blog before, you know I am a big fan of tailoring. Especially good tailoring from the late 1940s and early 1950s. It's a weakness. I realize it could be worse. At least if I purchase items in my size, they are wearable and therefore practical. And uniquely stylish. I could have a weakness for bias cut ball gowns. No there's something a gal can't have too many of! Perfect

Saturday, 15 May 2010

2 Designers, 2 Dresses

Two very different dresses, yes? The first, a custom original by Howard Greer, who had a distinguished career in film costume design before a long career in fashion design. In this c. 1959 - 1960 superbly made dress, he combined red silk chiffon and red silk faille with bugle beads in rows and in pave bands. The chiffon over blouse is scooped to reveal a heart shaped interior bodice edged with a

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The 1950s is Black

More and more 50s. We found even more 50s in our hunts. The Delmans make me want the small feet I don't have. Haven't worn this size since I was oh, in 5th grade. Maybe 4th.But they sure are pretty. Doeskin with beaded buckles,slingback, peep toes and a nice slim heel. 1950s Delman shoes now available at Past Perfect Vintage And they would be perfect with this Luis Estevez dress. Lovely scoop

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Spring in the 50s = Silk Flowers

Even more 1950s fun. This time we show you 2 silk twill dresses in a late 50s silhouette. Very Slim, very Sleek. These two dresses were most likely one woman's. Both are dressmaker made and beautifully done, with silk linings and silk bound seams. The red poppy dress has a clever dropped hem panel with a belt, although it is made with a piped waist seam so as to look finished without. The gray

Monday, 10 May 2010

More 50s Fashion - can there be too much?

I have added all sorts of tracking results to pastperfectvintage.com, and can now tell you that the The 40s and 50s is the most hit on page other than the home page. So that means the 1940s and 1950s still reign supreme. They have been popular vintage looks since the 80s at least. The appeal just does not fade. I think it's that the silhouettes look good on so many people and the clothes are so

Saturday, 8 May 2010

About Our New Image

For those of you who may be wondering: What's the new photo all about? Looks like a lot of men and this is predominately, almost exclusively a blog about womens vintage fashion.The gentleman on the far left in the white vest and smoking a cigar is my great grandfather. The rest is a bit of a mystery. It's a downtown Louisville storefront, but we are not sure where. Who the other men are?

Friday, 7 May 2010

A 50s Fiesta!

The 1950s. The 50s dresses are fighting the 1920s for supremacy here at Past Perfect. First up is a blue, black and white abstract print in a silk twill with a black faille inset waistband.The nifty button tab detail doesn't show in the photos, but it's there. The bateau neckline and dolman sleeve combination is a favorite of mine. That's the price of entering the adult fashion market in the

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Flappers A-Go-Go (Part 5): The Finale!

At last. The ubiquitous 1920s opera coat. I must wonder just how many people were going to the opera in the 1920s and 30s? Was it the heyday of opera attendance in the 20th century? Were farmers and miners across the USA suddenly getting decked out and taking their wives to see Aida? Madame Butterfly? I know polo has a sudden burst of popularity, but I tough everyone was going to the movies.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Flappers A-Go -Go! ( Part 4)

I think this is one of the best 1920s hats I have ever had. This comes out of my personal stash. It was a gift many years ago from a dear friend. A friend with excellent taste and a fine knowledge of costume history. He found it is a small Kentucky town, but it most likely came from California. It has all the qualities I like in antique and vintage clothing. Good lines, great color, rich detail

Monday, 3 May 2010

Flappers A-Go-Go (Part 3)

As you may have guessed, this is a multi part series! And with the beaded silk dress and beaded velvet bandeau I posted already, this spiffy coat would complete a period ensemble. 1920s coats tend to have convertible collars that can close high at the neckline or just low at the dropped waist. So does this one. The big fur collar and matching cuffs are true to the period as well. What you can't

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Flappers A-Go -Go! ( Part 2)

Our last post features fantastic white beaded velvet 1920s bandeau. Now this is the perfect dress to go with it. Ivory silk crepe back satin with wonderful silver and white beading . Not only are the scrolls wandering up the body, there are panels of diagonally set beaded fringe to match. Rose montee stones were used to highlight the beading and edge the necklines. This dinner/ dance dress

Thursday, 29 April 2010

It's Flappers A- Go - Go! Part One

We are on a 1920s Flapper streak! Just wait and see what comes to the blog in the next few days. Now I rarely use the Flapper word when writing about 20s fashion. The Flappers were a specific group with a certain fashions - they were young, they were on the edges of fashion with shirt skirts, short hair, cigarettes and drinking. Most women were not flappers- they were school girls, mothers,

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Vintage Inspirations Spring 2010 is out!

Vintage Inspirations out at the Vintage Fashion Guild . We are delighted to be included in all 4 installments! This biannual feature of the VFG highlights current fashion trends and how you can achieve a similar look with Vintage clothing. Plus, you recyle, reuse and spend less. And when you wear vintage, you end up both on trend and unique.For the full feature, and links to sellers of all

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Beep Beep!

"Beep beep" the roadrunner said. "Beep beep" as he went by on his scooter. The red and black roadrunner rode a black scooter all the way home. He wasn't as fast or as agile as the other roadrunners, so he needed a scooter to get...........Okay, that's as far I can keep that going. Sorry, Not my style. Great pants, though. They were by Novis Denne, an Arizona maker of resort and summer clothes

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Rain+ Sunday+ Spring = Vintage Florals

It's a Sunday. A Sunday that can't decide between sunshine and rain. Typical March. Typical Ohio Vally March But the daffodils are still out, the tulips and lilac have buds, and a few trees are starting to have that wonderful green haze.So onto Spring. And it is time! They say florals are hot for spring. Well, Of Course. What else would be? Black wool tweed? We aren't crazy out here you know.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Designer Additions to Past Perfect Vintage

We have added several vintage designer/better label pieces to Past Perfect Vintage Clothing this March. I already featured the Bill Blass and Phillipe Tournaye sets and the Carolyn Schnurer dress here on the blog, so let's wrap it up today with a little sampler pack. First, a great and classic 1980s Pauline Trigere Navy Suit in imported wool from Henry Harris in Cincinnati. The seaming and

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Carolyn Shnurer

I must admit that Carolyn Schnurer was a name that had not even wandered through my consciousness until, say, 5 years ago. This is what happpens when you focus pretty exclusively on pre-1945 vintage clothing. You miss out on a lot. And you find yourself trying to catch up with a lot of great work from the 50s and 60s that you always were a little shy of because it meant revisiting your own past.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Combs, Combs, Combs: Part 15

No, we haven't posted about hair 15 times, but we do have lot of Ladies Victorian and Edwardian Hair Combs here. It's a large collection, and we are taking our time bringing them forth. These four are recent additions to Past Perfect Vintage.Hair jewelry and decor morphs through innovative and yet repetitive phases. After all, there are only so many ways of attaching something to the head: combs,

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Oh, that Bill

That Bill Blass. He kept turning the work out for a long, long time. Day dresses, suits, sportswear, evening gowns. Some of it great, some of it over the top - the 80s were mighty colorful and big, weren't they? And yes, there were the lower end labels, but that's what it takes to stay in business these days. None the less, a truly American designer.I was happy to find this earlier sample of his

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Philippe Tournaye

I do enjoy finding a 'new' designer I haven't seen before, even if the designer isn't well known. Call me a nerd, but I like the research, the discovery, the delving into new to me information. Philippe Tournaye, (1924 - 1995), certainly doesn't qualify as a major or currently well-known Belgian/American designer, but he was well known in his day and did get fashion media coverage. I do like this

Monday, 15 March 2010

Think Pink! ( & yellow, & green &........)

Is there a more evocative color than pink? Girly, feminine, candy cotton pink? Shell pink? Rose pink? I doubt it. I am too old to wear most pink now. Maybe a deep fuschia or magenta, or a even a shocking pink in small doses, but not the lovely pastel or shell pinks. But I enjoy it nonetheless. And in Vintage clothing, it's grand color. Summery, Springy and Fresh. That and jonquil yellow and

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Fresh Vintage Available at Past Perfect, the Etsy Division

Oh yes- we have added vintage treats to our etsy.com division. And as you can see, it's Spring at long last. I really didn't think it would ever get here. Really. Truly. February was unremittingly cold and grey with snow on the ground. So a few warm days and we are ready to see the flowers and sunshine .I have been saving the cottons and linens for just such an ocaasion. The wonderful thing

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Attention for Vintage Celluloid Combs!

Working on the web and writing a blog can be a continuing exercise in solitude. So the excitement when another blog picks up a fashion or accessory from Past Perfect Vintage may seem out of proportion, but around here, it's a banner day. It is just so nice to know that others see and appreciate what we are doing.And when it's Mary Kincaid of http://www.zuburbia.com/, it's even sweeter. Mary has

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Civil War Red, White and Blue

Take my word for it the stripes in this blue woven silk are red and white. There's also a touch of green, but still - how often do you see a red, white and blue late 1850s silk dress from Tennessee?This lovely gown came out of a Tennessee estate auction we hit this past fall. The dress has the fringed peplum, horizontal stripes, dropped shoulders, sleeve wings and balloon sleeves one would

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The Real McCoy ( 1950s, Vintage Version)

This is the Real McCoy. Marian McCoy, that is. Do I know who she was? Sorry, no. There were a lot of good California based designers in the post war years. They brought a lot to the table/dress form. This three piece set has the breezy style of 1950s California in a pale aqua blue wool knit with cream applique and aurora borealis rhinestones. Give this gal a convertible, and she will be as happy

Monday, 15 February 2010


This is the hat that will henceforth be known as THE Hat, (post Edwardian Division ) at Chez Past Perfect. I have consulted Mr. Past Perfect, and we are in agreement. We have had larger hats pass through our stock. We have seen hats with more astounding fripperies and doodads. But this is the largest brim we have had that wasn't from the Edwardian era. And it certainly beats most other hats for

Friday, 12 February 2010

Absolutely,Definitely,Without a Doubt: 1987

Oh yeah. 1987. Victor Costa.Check out the cover of As Seen in Vogue by Daniel Delis Hill.I love it when these things happen. I know - mass produced and only 23 years old. But still. Pretty cool. And it's a nifty 1980s dress with the sensibilty and style of the era, but classy in a way that was often lacking in the 80s. Trust me on this. I was there. The deep black velvet bodice is just strong

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

And Now for Something Different

My, I jump around from era to era here at Past Perfect Vintage. Yesterday our topic was 1880s bustle dresses, today it is 1920s wig cloches. Tomorrow??? Could be the 1980s here. Could be 1987 to be specific. It's part of the fun. I really don't have a favorite period in fashion. Just show me something shiny and detailed and I am happy.Here's today's shiny object: a 1920s gold bullion thread wig.

Monday, 8 February 2010

At Long Last - The Return to Vintage

No, I don't mean fashion magazines, red carpet queens, or the fickle designers who need a 'new' look. I don't even mean the customers - although they seem to be back, bless them!Who do I mean? Me. Oh yes, it's been a bit of a break here as other creative projects have called. But now we are back. We have been prepping lots of vintage dresses and hats, some great stuff. So here is some Past

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Thank you all for Your Comments for Haiti!

What comments, you say? Well the ones people made at the Vintage Traveler. It's all explained here:http://fuzzylizzie.bravejournal.com/entry/50709You see, Lizzie of the Vintage Traveler and I made a deal. She offered to donate $1 per comment on her blog to the Salvation Army for Relief for Haiti. A neat way to help that didn't cost the reader a cent. I thought this was the coolest idea and I

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Haitian Relief, And This Time, Vintage IS involved!

Our friend Lizzie at The Vintage Traveler has featured two lovely Vintage clothing related auctions that are being held to benefit Haitian Relief efforts. She is also making a donation of $1 per every comment she receives on her blog to the Salvation Army.Want to help? You don't even have to send money. All you have to do is comment at The Vintage Traveler. Or, bid on Maggie's great purse or

Saturday, 16 January 2010

The Real World is Calling & It Needs Us

This week we at Past Perfect Vintage made a direct donation to the American Red Cross to assist disaster relief efforts in Haiti. Please, if at all possible, consider a donation. Times are difficult, and we in the vintage clothing field have been as hard hit as any. But even a donation of $10 buys water and food. Please click this link for more information.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Vintage Clothing's Dirty Secret: Label Switching

Back in our June 2009 Buyer Beware Series , we covered this ugly little secret in vinatge clothing. It's called label switching. A seller takes a desired, valuable label from a damaged, unattractive, or even brand new garement or accessory and sticks it in an older dress to increase the value. It happens everywhere: thrifts, flea markets, shops, antique shows and Ebay.And it's also called Fraud

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Not All Fashion in the 1970s was Grim

It is easy to remember and dismiss the 1970s as pretty awful and excessive, fashionwise. Just a quick flip through the Sears catalogue can inspire readera to grab those pitchforks and head down to the polyester plant. Although I am not sure the words plant and polyster shoud ever be used inthe same sentence. And yes, the loud, large scale plaids were everpresent as well as a sad range of rust,

Friday, 8 January 2010

Deep in the Forest

Deep Forest Green - always a calming, pleasing color and so stunning on blondes and red heads. They really do have all the luck. Combine a great color with a 1940s hat, and it's all good. This envelope hat in deep green plush and grosgrain ribbon has the added attraction of a green leather horse pin. Just the right whimsical touch to balance the serious tailored style.available now at Past

Monday, 4 January 2010

My, My How the Corset Has Changed

A good corset is a treat to find. Ladies didn't need but a few. Washable garments were worn under and over the expensive corset to save it from wear, tear and washing. And since they were adjustable to size by lacing, a lady could use the same corset for years. She would need to purchase a new one for a major weight loss or gain, or when the fashionable silhouette made a major change. So there

Sunday, 3 January 2010

A Bustle Fiesta, Part Tres

Last fall, we were lucky enough to acquire a grand lot of 1880s Victorian bustle dresses. As you readers know, this is a weakness of ours.What makes this lot so grand is that they are all from the estate of one woman and saved by her granddaughter who passed away recently at at advanced age. We just don't see these collections come out of local estates much anymore. They are a rarity now.These

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Patterns of Fashion (Psychedelic Edition)

There's nothing like a cold, cold, winter's day to make me yearn for color and pattern. I came late to appreciating the wild patterns of the 60s and 70s. I lived them, I wore them, I suffered through the hideous polyester versions. I copied Peter Max posters with my colored pencils.There was nothing classic or timeless about this type of pattern, so we frugal buyers tended to avoid them back in